List of conference presentation on use of Spectratech OEG series As of February 19,2025
February 15,2025 NeuroImage Volume 309
  Video communication mitigate feelings of friendliness: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Noriki Yamayaa, Hideaki Inagakia, Yuto Shimizua, Shinichi Mitsuib, Kazuki Hiraob,
Senichiro Kikuchib, Takaaki Fujitac, Kaori Shimodab, Fusae Tozatod, Kenji Tsuchiyaa
a Nagano University of Health and Medicine, 11-1 Imaihara-Kawanakajima, Nagano 381-2227, Japan
b Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences, 3-39-22, Showa, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8514, Japan
c Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, Fukushima Medical University, 10-6 Sakaemachi, Fukushima City, Fukushima 960-8516, Japan
d Department of Rehabilitation Science, Division of Occupational Therapy, Sendai Seiyo Gakuin College, 4-3-55 Nagamachi, Taihakuku, Sendai 982-0011, Japan
January 20,2025 IEEE Xplore 2024 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
DOI: 10.1109/SMC54092.2024.10831462
  Examining the Impact of Delay on Tele-robotic Surgical Operability through Brain Activity Evaluation
Junnosuke Ichihara; Satoshi Miura
Department of Mechanical EngineeringSchool of EngineeringInstitute of Science, Tokyo, Japan
January 15,2025 Functional Foods in Health and Disease  DOI:
  Sedative effects of roasted green tea aroma on autonomic nervous activity, central nervous activity, and subjective mood state in healthy adults
Akio Sugimoto, Yuka Tatsumi, Masaki Ichitani
Central Research Institute, Ito En Ltd. 21, Mekami, Makinohara, Shizuoka
December 15,2024 Neuropsychologia Volume 205,
  Executive functions and theory of mind development in preschoolers: Insights from NIRS data
K. Lertladalucka, Y. Moriguchib
a Neuroscience Center for Research and Innovation, Learning Institute, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
b Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Japan
November 15,2024 Front. Hum. Neurosci., Sec. Sensory Neuroscience Volume 18 - 2024 |
  Exploring feasibility of fNIRS to assess delayed inhibition effect of prefrontal cortex for acute stress by acupuncture on GV20: a pilot study
Hideaki Tamai1,2,3*, Shoichi Komine1,2,4, Senichiro Kikuchi5 and Hideaki Waki1,2
1 Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Faculty of Health Care, Teikyo Heisei University, Toshimaku, Tokyo, Japan,
2 Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, Teikyo Heisei University, Toshimaku, Tokyo, Japan,
3 Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, Tochigi, Japan,
4 Institute of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan,
5 Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Gunma University, Maebashi, Gunma, Japan
October 2024 Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications Volume 41
  Evaluating the relaxation effects of Shikuwasa (Citrus depressa Hayata) essential oil inhalation in young female adults: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Fumitake Yamaguchia, Naoki Yoshinagaa, Miho Kurokib, Rie Nakasonec, Hisanori Kenmotsuc,
Toshio Uenoc, Yukihiro Yadad, Michikazu Nakaie, Yasuji Arimurab
a School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki, 5200 Kihara, Kiyotake, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki, Japan
b Department of Health Care Research, Organization for Promotion of Research and Industry-Academic Regional Collaboration, University of Miyazaki (Kiyotake Branch), Miyazaki City, Miyazaki, Japan
c Material Research & Development Division, Ogawa & Co., Ltd., 7 Oaza-Hoshinosato, Amimachi, Inashiki-gun, Ibaraki, Japan
d Program in Human Biology, School of Integrative and Global Majors, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
e Clinical Research Support Center, University of Miyazaki Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki, 5200 Kihara, Kiyotake, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki, Japan
August 15,2024 Cerebral Cortex, Volume 34, Issue 8, August 2024, bhae321,
  Koichiro Adachi, Ryu Takizawa
Department of Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo,Japan
August 9,2024 National Library of Medicine  doi: 10.7759/cureus.66541
  Assessment of the Effect of Meaningful Occupations on Motivation by Orbitofrontal Cortex Activation Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Shintaro Ishikawa1, Keisuke Fujii2, Kenta Kunoh1, Daisuke Kimura3
1 Department of Rehabilitation, Yamada Hospital, Gifu, JPN
2 Department of Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy Course, Faculty of Health Science, Suzuka University of Medical Science, Suzuka, JPN
3 Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Nagoya Women’s University, Nagoya, JPN
July 15,2024 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)   DOI: 10.1109/EMBC53108.2024.10781934
  Assessment of Force Feedback Models in a Haptic Device Using Alignment Accuracy and Brain Activity
Harutake Nagai; Satoshi Miura
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan
July 6, 2024 Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 15587 (2024)
  Hemodynamics of short-duration light-intensity physical exercise in the prefrontal cortex of children: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Takashi Naito1, Koichiro Oka2, Kaori Ishii2
1 Graduate School of Sport Sciences, Waseda University, 2-579-15 Mikajima, Tokorozawa, Saitama, 359-1192, Japan
2 Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University, 2-579-15 Mikajima, Tokorozawa, Saitama, 359-1192, Japan
June 24,2024 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
  Dose Response of Transcranial Photobiomodulation on Cognitive Efficiency in Healthy Older Adults: A Task-Related Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study
Tsz-lok Leea and Agnes S. Chana,b,*
a Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.
b Research Centre for Neuropsychological Well-Being, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
June 10,2024 IEEE Access ( Volume: 12)  DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3411558
  Machine Learning-Based ADHD Detection From fNIRs Signal During Reverse Stroop Tasks
1 School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of Aizu, Aizuwakamatsu 965-8580, Japan
2 Statistics Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh
3 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi 6204, Bangladesh
4 Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Seoul 01897, South Korea
5 Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume 830-0011, Japan
6 Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
June 7, 2024 Research Square
  Frequent intake of cakes attenuates the effect of energy drinks on activity of medial prefrontal cortex during calculation task
Syuzo Kitamura , Reana Hasegawa, Yuka Sakuma, Sara Yoshihama, Yusuke Takatsuru
Toyo University
June 6, 2024 AIMS Bioengineering, 11(2): 173–184. DOI: 10.3934/bioeng.2024010
  Performance evaluation of brain state discrimination using nearinfrared spectroscopy for brain-computer interface: an exploratory case study
Akira Masuo1,2,*, Takuto Sakuma2 and Shohei Kato2
1 Faculty of Business Administration, Seijoh University, Aichi, Japan
2 Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Aichi, Japan
June 5, 2024 Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy
  Effect of gardening physical activity on neuroplasticity and cognitive function
Antonio G. Lentoor1,2*
1 The School of Advanced Education, Research and Accreditation (SAERA), 12004 Castellón de la Plana, Spain
2 School of Medicine, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU), Pretoria 0208, South Africa
June 5, 2024 Alzheimer's & Dementia
  fNIRS as a biomarker for individuals with subjective memory complaints and MCI
Tsz-lok Lee1, Lizhi Guo1, Agnes S. Chan1,2:
1 Department of Psychology, The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong
2 Research Centre for NeuropsychologicalWell-Being, The Chinese University of HongKong, Shatin, Hong Kon
May 27,2024 Dent. J. 2024, 12(6), 161;
  Skeletal Anterior Open Bite Attenuates the Chewing-Related Increase in Brain Blood Flow
Chihiro Kariya, Hiroyuki Kanzaki*, Masao Kumazawa, Saaya Sahara, Kana Yoshida, Yuri Inagawa, Fumitaka Kobayashi and Hiroshi Tomonari
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University, Yokohama 230-8501, Japan
May 10,2024 Cornell University/Quantitative Biology > Other Quantitative Biology
  Characterization of mood and emotion regulation in females with PMS/PMDD using near-infrared spectroscopy to assess prefrontal cerebral blood flow and the mood questionnaire
Makiko Aoki1, Masato Suzuki2, Satoshi Suzuki3, Kosuke Oiwa4, Yoshitaka Maeda5, Hisayo Okayama6
1 Faculty of Health Science and Nursing Juntendo University Shizuoka, Japan
2 Graduate School of Science University of Hyogo Hyogo, Japan
3 Department of Clinical Engineering Kanagawa Institute of Technology Kanagawa, Japan
4 Department of Information and Management Systems Engineering Nagaoka University of Technology Niigata, Japan
5 Medical Simulation Centre Jichi Medical University Tochigi, Japan
6 Faculty of Medicine University of Tsukuba Ibaraki, Japan
May 10,2024 Quantitative Biology > Other Quantitative Biology
  Characterization of mood and emotion regulation in females with PMS/PMDD using near-infrared spectroscopy to assess prefrontal cerebral blood flow and the mood questionnaire
Makiko Aoki1, Masato Suzuki2, Satoshi Suzuki3, Kosuke Oiwa4, Yoshitaka Maeda5,
Hisayo Okayama6
1 Faculty of Health Science and Nursing Juntendo University Shizuoka, Japan
2 Graduate School of Science University of Hyogo Hyogo, Japan
3 Department of Clinical Engineering Kanagawa Institute of Technology Kanagawa, Japan
4 Department of Information and Management Systems Engineering Nagaoka University of Technology Niigata, Japan
5 Medical Simulation Centre Jichi Medical University Tochigi, Japan
6 Faculty of Medicine University of Tsukuba Ibaraki, Japan
May 8,2024 Behavioural Brain Research
  Cross-cultural differences in prefrontal cortex activity in moral judgment: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study based on the CNI model
YACHUN Qiana, Yoshiyuki Takimotob, Akira Yasumurac
a Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan
b Department of Biomedical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Japan
c Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan
April 2024 Online Journal of Japanese Clinical Psychology 2024, April, Vol.8, 1-11
  Relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and highly sensitive person traits during the emotional Go/NoGo task: A near-infrared spectroscopy study
Kana Matsuishi1, Akira Yasumura2
1 Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University
2 Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University
April 23,2024 Kawasaki Journal of Medical Welfare Vol. 30, No. 1, 2024 13-23
  Effects of Brief Focused Attention to Breathing on Perseverance and Prefrontal Activity: An fNIRS Study
Takayuki HOSOKAWA*1, Manabu MIZUKO*2, Yuri NAKAMURA*2 and Kazuo HIKOSAKA*1
*1 Department of Orthoptics, Faculty of Rehabilitation Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, Japan
*2 Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Health and Welfare Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, Japan
April 10,2024 Research Square
  Hemodynamics of short-duration light-intensity physical exercise in the prefrontal cortex of children: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Takashi Naito1, Koichiro Oka1, Kaori Ishii1
1 Waseda University
March 2024 Edogawa University Journal 2024 No. 34 pp341-350
  Does the Stroop task in young children require the prefrontal activation?: a NIRS study
Mikako Ishibashi*, Yusuke Moriguchi**
* Department of Psychology and Humanities, Edogawa University
** Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University
March 12,2024 Front Hum,.NeurosciSec. Cognitive Neuroscience
  Robustness of the self-referential process under normobaric hypoxia: an fNIRS study using the GLM and homologous cortical functional connectivity analyses
Takehiro Minamoto1* Naoaki Kawakami2 Takehiko Tsujimoto1
1 Department of Health and Behavioral Sciences, Graduate School of Human and Social Sciences, Shimane University, Matsue, Japan
2 Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
February 29,2024 Research Square
  Smartphone addiction may reduce prefrontal cortex activity: an assessment using cerebral blood flow
Takuya Suzuki, Hideaki Waki, Tatsuya Hisajima
Teikyo Heisei University
February 5,2024 Journal of Rehabilitation Practices and Research
  Objective Evaluation of Local Muscle Fatigue in Cerebral Palsy Using A Gait Corrector
Masaharu Morita1*, Masafumi Katayama2
1 Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medical Science, Fukuoka International University Health and Welfare, 3-6-40 Momochihama, Sawaraku, Fukuoka, 814-0001, Japan.
2 Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, JunshinGakuen University, 1-1-1 Chikushigaoka, Minamiku, Fukuoka, 815-8510, Japan.
January 5, 2024 Cerebral Cortex, 2024, 1–13
  The links between physical activity and prosocial behavior: an fNIRS hyperscanning study
Toru Ishihara1, *, Shinnosuke Hashimoto1, Natsuki Tamba2, Kazuki Hyodo3, Tetsuya Matsuda4, Haruto Takagishi4
1 Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, 3-11 Tsurukabuto, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan,
2 Faculty of Global Human Sciences, Kobe University, 3-11 Tsurukabuto, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan,
3 Physical Fitness Research Institute, Meiji Yasuda Life Foundation of Health and Welfare, Tobuki 150, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0001, Japan,
4 Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute, 6-1-1 Tamagawagakuen, Machida, Tokyo 194-8610, Japan
December 22,2023 Springer Educational Psychology Review
  The Role of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Collaborative Research: A systematic Review
Yu Wang1 • Yan Dong1 • Jessie Siew-Pin Leuk2 • Xuesong Zhai3 • Chang Xu4 • Yu Fu5 • Wei-Peng Teo2,6
1 School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University, No.19 Xinjiekouwai St., Haidian District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
2 Physical Education and Sports Science Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore
3 College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
4 School of International Education, Shandong University, Jinan, China
5 School of Teacher Education, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China
6 Science of Learning in Education Centre (SoLEC), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore
September 21,2023 Journal of Clinical Physiology Vol. 53, No. 2, 2023.
  Evaluation of the Relationship between Brain Activity and Mental Workload during Brain Training Games by fNIRS
Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology
August 12, 2023 The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology
  Brain activity in response to food images in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia
Ryo Katsumata1, Takayuki Hosokawa2, Noriaki Manabe3, Hitoshi Mori4, Kenta Wani5,
Katsunori Ishii6, Tomohiro Tanikawa6, Noriyo Urata6, Maki Ayaki3,Ken Nishino6, Takahisa Murao1, Mitsuhiko Suehiro6, Minoru Fujita3, Miwa Kawanaka6, Ken Haruma6, Hirofumi Kawamoto6,
Toshihiro Takao7, Tomoari Kamada1
1 Department of Health Care Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School General Medical Center, 2-6-1, Nakasange, Kita-Ku, Okayama, Japan
2 Department of Orthoptics, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, 288 Matsushima, Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan
3 Department of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School General Medical Center, 2-6-1, Nakasange, Kita-Ku, Okayama, Japan
4 Department of Neurology, Kawasaki Medical School General Medical Center, 2-6-1, Nakasange, Kita-Ku, Okayama, Japan
5 Department of Psychiatry, Kawasaki Medical School General Medical Center, 2-6-1, Nakasange, Kita-Ku, Okayama, Japan
6 Department of General Internal Medicine 2, Kawasaki Medical School General Medical Center, 2-6-1, Nakasange, Kita-Ku, Okayama, Japan
7 Department of Health Care Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School, 577, Matsushima, Kurashiki, Japan
July 28, 2023 Behavior Research Methods (2024) 56:2227–2242
  From functional neuroimaging to neurostimulation: fNIRS devices as cognitive enhancers
Jason Lee Waight1• Natalia Arias2,3,4,5• Ana M. Jiménez García5• Matteo Martini1,6
1 School of Psychology, University of East London, E15 4LZ London, UK
2 Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AF, UK
3 Instituto de Neurociencias del Principado de Asturias (INEUROPA), 33005 Oviedo, Spain
4 Health Research Institute of the Principality of Asturias (ISPA), 33011 Oviedo, Spain
5 BRABE Group, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Life and Natural Sciences, University of Nebrija, C/del Hostal, 28248 Madrid, Spain
6 Department of Humanities, Letters, Cultural Heritage and Educational Studies, via Arpi, 71121 Foggia, Italy
July 1,2023 International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education
  Mental abacus training affects high-level executive functions: Comparison of activation of the frontal pole
Nobuki Watanabe1*
1 School of Education, KwanseiGakuin University, Hyogo, JAPAN
June 24,2023 Ageing Research ReviewsVolume 90, September 2023, 101992
  A promising tool to explore functional impairment in neurodegeneration: A systematic review of near-infrared spectroscopy in dementia.
Emilia Buttersa,b,*, Sruthi Srinivasana, John T. O’Brienb, Li Sub,d, Gemma Balec
a Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cambridge, 9 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FA, UK
b Department of Psychiatry, School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
c Department of Physics, University of Cambridge, 19 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FA, UK
d Department of Neuroscience, University of Sheffield, 385a Glossop Rd, Broomhall, Sheffield S10 2HQ, UK
June 7,2023 The 37th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2023
  NIRS-based BCI systems with ensemble learning for rehabilitation in patients with neurological diseases
Akira MASUO1,2, Takuto SAKUMA2, Shohei KATO2
1 Shubun University Junior College
2 Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
June 2 ,2023 Heliyon 9 2023 e16892
  Viewing and playing fantastical events does not affect children’s cognitive flexibility and prefrontal activation
Jue Wanga, Yusuke Moriguchia,*
a Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Yoshidahoncho, Kyoto, Japan
May 30,2023 Behavioural Brain ResearchVolume 452, 24 August 2023, 114511
  The content-dependent effect of the N-back task on dual-task performance
Takehide Kimuraa, Ryouta Matsuurab
a Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Tsukuba International University, 6-8-33 Manabe, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki, Japan
b Living and Health Sciences Education, Specialized Subject Fields of Education, Graduate School of Education, Joetsu University of Education, Joetsu, Japan
May 17,2023 Current Medical Imaging, 2023, 19, 865-873
DOI: 10.2174/1573405618666220822101019
  Activation of Brain Regions Associated with Working Memory and Inhibitory Control in Patients with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Systematic Review
Lihao Hou1,#, Jiaxuan Yang2,3,#, Lin Xu4, Juanjuan Peng5, Cho Yin Joyce Law6 and Tianhao Chen7,*
1 Rehabilitation Department, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China;
2 Pain Department, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China;
3 Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Clinical College of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine;
4 Rehabilitation Department, The People's Hospital of Kaizhou District. Kaizhou, Chongqing, China;
5 Rehabilitation Department, College of Acupuncture and Massage & College of Health Preservation and Rehabilitation, Nanjing
6 Psychology Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong;
7 Chinese Medicine Department, Hubei College of Chinese Medicine, Jingzhou, Hubei, China
May 8 2023 Applied Science. 2023, 13, 5785.
  Physiological Study of Visual and Non-Visual Effects of Light Exposure
Haruki Morioka1, Haruki Ozawa2 and Takeo Kato2,*
1 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Keio University, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan
April 22,2023 Japanese Journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology
  Prefrontal Cortex Activity during Emotional Regulation Tasks by Adults
1 Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
2 Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
April 5,2023 Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy 19: 55−62, 2023
  Discriminating Brain Activation State in a Patient with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Communication: An Exploratory Case Study
Akira Masuo1,2, Takuto Sakuma2, Shohei Kato2
1 Shubun University Junior College
2 Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
April 3,2023 The Journal of Physical Therapy Science35: 502–506, 2023
  Effect of Trunk Solution® on hemodynamics in the supplementary motor area during walking
AritoYozu, MD, PhD1)*, JunjiKatsuhira, PhD2–4), Hiroyuki Oka, MD, PhD2), Ko Matsudaira, MD, PhD2)
1) Department of Precision Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo: 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
2) Department of Medical Research and Management for Musculoskeletal Pain, 22nd Century Medical and Research Center, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Japan
3) Department of Human Environment Design, Faculty of Human Life Design, Toyo University, Japan
4) Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics and Assistive Technology, Faculty of Medical Technology, Niigata University of Health and Welfare, Japan
March 30,2023 Digital Games Research Association JAPAN Proceedings of 13th Annual Conference
  Investigation of optimal gameplay using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Tomohiro KIMURAi, Hiromasa YOSHIMOTOii, Kazuo HIRAKIiii
i, iii Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, the University of Tokyo
ii Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
March 28, 2023 Advanced Biomedical Engineering 12: pp. 129–137, 2023.
  Investigating Mental Task Combination for Brain-Computer Interface Based on Brain State Discrimination Using Subjective Ratings
Akira MASUO*, **, ***, Takuto SAKUMA**, Shohei KATO**
* Shubun University Junior College, Ichinomiya, Japan.
** Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan.
*** Nagoya College of Medical Health and Sports, Nagoya, Japan.
March 24,2023 PLOS ONE
  Impact of acute open-skill exercise on inhibitory control and brain activation: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Shinji Takahashi1, Philip M. Grove2
1 Affiliation Faculty of Liberal Arts, Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai, Japan
2 Affiliation School of Psychology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
March14,2023 Journal of Case Reports and Medical Images ISSN: 2639-9237
  Potential of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Diagnostics of Depression
TrianaRahayu; SaaraRyynänen; TeemuMyllylä*
Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, Aapistie 5A, 90220 OULU, Finland.
January 30,2023 SPIE Photonics West BiOS 2023, Neural Imaging and Sensing 2023 Paper12365-27
  Wearable fNIRS device of higher spatial resolution realized by triangular arrangement of dual-purpose optodes
Toru Yamada1, Hiroshi Kawaguchi*1, Jun Watabe2, Mitsuo Ohashi2
1 Human informatics and interaction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST), Japan
2 Spectratech, Inc., Japan
January 10,2023 Clinical and Experimental Dental Research
  Effect of elastic oral appliance chewing on frontal lobe activity
Yuu Yamamoto, Masahiro Ryu, Takayuki Ueda, Yoshinori Sasaki, Kaoru Sakurai
Tokyo Dental College: Chiyoda city, Tokyo, JP
2023 Annual Bulletin of Institute of Psychological Studies, Showa Women’s University, 2023, Vol. 25, 1-9.
  Mothers’ parental anxiety and their interpretation of infants’ emotions: Effect of attachment style and prefrontal dysfunction of depressed mothers
Showa Women’s University
December 23,2022 International Journal of Psychological Studies; Vol. 15, No. 1; 2023
  Activation of the Anterior Prefrontal Cortex by Abacus Activity in Children:
A Case Study on the Effect of Moderate Load Training on Working Memory
Watanabe Nobuki1
1 School of Education, KwanseiGakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan
October 9,2022 fNIRS 2022
  Wearable fNIRS device for high-density measurement realized by triangular bidirectional optode arrangement
Hiroshi Kawaguchi1, Jun Watabe2, Mitsuo Ohashi2, Toru Yamada1
1 Human Informatics and interaction Research Institute, AIST
2 Spectratech Inc.
October 9,2022 fNIRS 2022
  Evaluation of the relationship between brain activity and mental workload during brain training games by fNIRS
Keiko Fukuda
Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology, Tokyo Japan
October 5,2022 BioRxiv doi:
  Impact of acute complex exercise on inhibitory control and brain activation: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
Shinji Takahashi1* and Philip M. Grove2
1 Faculty of Liberal Arts, Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai, Japan
2 School of Psychology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
September 18,2022 International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT) 2022
  Invited Lecture
Neurovascular and glymphatic dynamics of the developing brain during sleep
Gentaro Taga
Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Neurovascular, metabolic, and glymphatic dynamics of the brain measured with NIRS
Gentaro Taga and Hama Watanabe
Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, Japan
July 6,2022 Nippon Sport Science University Departmental Bulletin Paper
  Characteristics of brain activity during mental imagery in gymnasts
AIKAWA Satoshi, TAKAI Hideaki and NAKASE Takuya
Nippon Sport Science University
June 28,2022 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol.88, no.1, pp.301-310, 2022 DOI:10.3233/JAD-220130
  Prefrontal Activation During Effortful Processing Differentiates Memory Abilities in Adults with Memory Complaints
Yeung, Michael K.a, Lee Tsz-lokb | Chan, Agnes S.b,c,*
a Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
b Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China .
c Research Center for Neuropsychological Well-Being, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
June 27,2022 Neuro Report Volume 33, Number 11 DOI:
  Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation decreased effortful frontal activity for shifting in patients with major depressive disorder
Shirakawa, Yukaa,b; Yamazaki, Ryuichic; Kita, Yosukea,d; Kitamura, Yuzukie; Okumura, Yasukoa; Inoue, Yukic; Matsuda, Yukic; Kodaka, Fumitoshic; Shigeta, Masahiroc; Kito, Shinsukec,f
a Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, Keio University.
b Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
c .Department of Psychiatry, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
d Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU), Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
e Department of Design, Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University, Fukuoka.
f Department of Psychiatry, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan.
June 23,2022 Behavioural Brain Research Volume 432, 26 August 2022, 113976
  Do older adults mistake the accelerator for the brake pedal?: Older adults employ greater prefrontal cortical activity during a bipedal/bimanual response-position selection task
Nobuyuki Kawaia,b, Ryuzaburo Nakataa
1 Department of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
2 Academy of Emerging Science, Chubu University, Kasugai, Aichi, Japan
June 22,2022 International Journal of Gerontology . Apr2023, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p99-104. 6p.
DOI: 10.6890/IJGE.202304_17(2).0004
  Falling Mechanism during a Dual Task Based on Eye Movement and Frontal Blood Flow in the Elderly. Kazumasa Yamadaa *,Kiminobu Furukawaa ,Iemasa Hayashib, Takuma Kaikob, Yuta Miyaharab, Daisuke Kimurac
a Faculty of Rehabilitation and Care, Seijoh University, Aichi, Japan,
b Department of Rehabilitation, Yamada Hospital, Gifu, Japan,
c Faculty of Occupational Therapy, Kansai University of Health Sciences, Osaka, Japan
June 22,2022 Front. Psychiatry Sec. Neuroimaging and Stimulation
  rTMS Therapy Reduces Hypofrontality in Patients With Depression as Measured by fNIRS
Yasuo Kawabata1, Shin-ichi Imazu1, Koichi Matsumoto1, Katsunori Toyoda1, Makoto Kawano1, Yoichiro Kubo1, Shinya Kinoshita1, Yoshitaka Nishizawa1,2 and Tetsufumi Kanazawa1,3*
1 Department of Neuropsychiatry, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Osaka, Japan.
2 Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States.
3 The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
May 22,2022 Journal of Advances in Information Technology Vol.13, No.4, August 2022 doi:10.12720/jait.13.4.381-386
  Brain-Computer Interface Using fNIRS Waveforms when Recalling the Experience of Eating Savory and Spicy Instant Noodle
Yuya Nakai1, Maki Nakamura1, Motomasa Tomida2, Hajime Kotani2, and Kiyoshi Hoshino1
1 University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan.
2 Crescent, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
April 4,2022 Brain and Development ORIGINAL ARTICLE| VOLUME 44, ISSUE 7, P438-445, AUGUST 01, 2022
  Impairment of autonomic emotional response for executive function in children with ADHD: A multi-modal fNIRS and pupillometric study during the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Yoshimi Kagaa, Tetsuo Ohyamaa, Yusuke Gotoa,b, Kakuro Aoyagia, Sayaka Ishiia, Takeshi Inukaia, Masao Aiharaa,b
a Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Japan.
b Yamanashi Prefectural Center for Psychological Development, Kofu, Japan.
February 13,2022 Psychiatry Research Volume 310, April 2022, 114444
  Laterality of prefrontal hemodynamic response measured by functional near-infrared spectroscopy before and after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A potential biomarker of clinical outcome
Ryuichi Yamazakia, Yuki Inouea, Yuki Matsudaa, Fumitoshi Kodaaa, Yuzuki Kitamurab,c,
Yosuke Kitad,e, Masahiro Shigetaa, Shinsuke Kitoa,f
a Department of Psychiatry, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
b Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
c Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan
d Mori Arinori Center for Higher Education and Global Mobility, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
e Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU), Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
f Department of Psychiatry, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
January 28,2022 Journal OF BIOPHOTONICS  DOI: 10.1002/jbio.202100295
  Different brain activation patterns in the prefrontal area between self-paced and high-speed driving tasks.
Daisuke Hirano1,2, Naotoshi Kimura1,3, Hana Yano1,2, Miku Enoki1,4, Maya Aikawa1,4,
Yoshinobu Goto1,5,6, Takamichi Taniguchi1,2
1 Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare, Minato, Tokyo, Japan.
2 Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare, Otawara, Tochigi, Japan.
3 Department of Rehabilitation, International University of Health and Welfare Ichikawa Hospital, Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan.
4 Department of Rehabilitation, International University of Health and Welfare Shioya Hospital, Yaita, Tochigi, Japan.
5 Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine, International University of Health and Welfare, Narita, Chiba, Japan.
6 Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences at Fukuoka, International University of Health and Welfare, Okawa, Fukuoka, Japan.
January 11,2022 Behavioural Brain Research Volume 422, 26 March 2022, 113744
  Brain activity in the prefrontal cortex during cancelation tasks: Effects of the stimulus array
Koji Yanoa,b, Jungpil Shinc, Akira Yasumurad
a Child Development Support Office Lapöale, Kumamoto, Japan
b Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan
c Pattern Processing Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of Aizu, Fukushima , Japan
d Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan
November 13,2021 Neuroscience Letters Volume 766, 1 January 2022, 136350
  Association of executive function capacity with gait motor imagery ability and PFC activity: An fNIRS study
Kohei Kotegawaa,b, Wataru Teramotoc
a Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science, Kumamoto Health Science University, 325, Izumi, Kumamoto 861-5598, Japan
b Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University, 2-40-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
c Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University, 2-40-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
November 8,2021 Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Volume 86, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 109–116,
  Application of integrative physiological approach to evaluate human physiological responses to the inhalation of essential oils of Japanese citrus fruits iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos)
Motoko Ohata1, Lanxi Zhou2, Shiori Ando2, Shu Kaneko2, Kazumi Osada1 and Yukihiro Yada3
1 Department of Food Bioscience and Biotechnology, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan;
2 Material Research and Development Division, Ogawa & Co., Ltd., Amimachi, Inashiki-gun, Ibaraki, Japan
3 School of Integrative and Global Majors, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
October 12,2021 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol.83, no.4, pp.1471-1480, 2021
  Photobiomodulation Enhances Memory Processing in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study
Chan, Agnes S.a,b,*, Lee, Tsz-loka, Hamblin, Michael R.c,d, Cheung, Mei-chune
a Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
b Research Centre for Neuropsychological Well-Being, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
c Laser Research Centre, Faculty of Health Science, University of Johannesburg, Doornfontein, South Africa
d Radiation Biology Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
e Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
* Correspondence to: Agnes S. Chan, Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.
September 17,2021 Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences 2021 Volume 20 Issue 2 Pages 117-125
  Sex-dependency of the Examination of Near-infrared Spectroscopy in Patient with Halitosis
Mitsuhiro Ohta, Asuka Yoshino, Ryo Iwahashi, SuguruMomohara, Masumi Kajimoto,
Shinichiro Aoki, Yasuhiro Okamoto, Takashi Uchida, Hiroyasu Endo, Seiko Osawa
Department of Oral Diagnostics, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan
September 14,2021 Developmental Psychobiology
  The neurobehavioral relationship between executive function and creativity during early childhood
Jue Wang, Chifumi Sakata, Yusuke Moriguchi
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
September 8,2021 Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2021 Volume 33 Issue 12 Pages 887-890
  The difference in attentional focus during exercise affects attention resources
Rei Odagiri1,2, Hideki Yoshida2, Akiyoshi Takami2
1 Department of Rehabilitation, Hirosaki Stroke and Rehabilitation Center: Aomori, Japan
2 Department of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science, Hirosaki University Graduate School
July 30,2021 Developmental Science
  Relationship between cool and hot executive function in young children: A near-infrared spectroscopy study
Yusuke Moriguchi
Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
July 21,2021 Experimental Brain Research volume 239, pages2851–2858 (2021)
  Brain activity in the prefrontal cortex during a cancellation task: effects of the target-to-distractor ratio Koji Yano1 & Akira Yasumura2
1 Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan
2 Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan
June 15,2021 The 60th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
  O3-9-2-1 Wearable fNIRS device of high-density channel arrangement for use in neurorehabilitation
Toru Yamada1, Mitsuo Ohashi2, Hiroshi Kawaguchi1, Keiji Matsuda1, Noriyuki Higo1
1 Human Inf ormatics and Interaction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan.
2 Spectratech, Inc.
May 31,2021 Journal of the Science of Design 2021 Volume 5 Issue 1 Pages 1_1-1_8
Takeo KATO1, Hirotaka NAKATANI1, Yusuke ASHIZAWA2
1 Keio University
2 Shibaura Institute of Technology
May 1,2021 Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2021 Volume 33 Issue 8 Pages 565-569
  Changes in cerebral blood flow during forward and backward walking with speed misperception generated by virtual reality
Akiyoshi Takami1, Jun Taguchi1 ,2, Misato Makino1
1 Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hirosaki University: Aomori, Japan
2 Hirosaki Stroke and Rehabilitation Center, Japan
April 15,2021 Research Square
  Effects of The Odors of Japanese Citrus Iyokan (Citrus Iyo) and Yuzu (Citrus Junos) on Human Mood and Physiology
Motoko Ohata1, Lanxi Zhou2, Shiori Ando2, Shu Kaneko2, Yukihiro Yada3
1 Nihon University
2 Ogawa & CO., Ltd.
3 University of Tsukuba
April 7,2021 International Journal of Affective Engineering  2021 Volume 20 Issue 2 Pages 111-117
  Measurement of Spatial and Verbal Working Memory Using N-Back Task by Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Kota KANO, Hisaya TANAKA
Graduate School of Engineering, Kogakuin University
April 6,2021 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Volume 181, May 2021, 107436
  Enhancement of prefrontal area excitability induced by a cognitive task: Impact on subsequence visuomotor task performance
Takehide Kimuraa, Wataru Nakanob
a Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Tsukuba International University, Japan
b Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Tokoha University, Japan
March 30,2021 Experimental Brain Research
  The acute efect of moderate‑intensity exercise on inhibitory control and activation of prefrontal cortex in younger and older adults
Hideaki Fujihara1,2, Akiko Megumi3, Akira Yasumura4
1 Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
2 Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, 2-40-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
3 Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University, 2-40-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
4 Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University, 2-40-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
March 23,2021 International Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences 2021 Volume 19 Issue 4 Pages 241-252
  A Study of the Usefulness of Near-infrared Spectroscopy(NIRS)in Patients with Halitosis
Asuka Yoshino
Nihon University Graduate School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Oral Diagnostics, Matsudo, Japan
March 4,2021 Psychophysiology
  Negative mood is associated with decreased prefrontal cortex functioning during working memory in young adults
Michael K. Yeung1,2, Tsz L. Lee3, Agnes S. Chan3,4
1 Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
2 Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
3 Neuropsychology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
4 Research Center for Neuropsychological Well‐being, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
February 14,2021 Developmental Neuropsychology
  Neural Basis of Scale Errors in Young Children
Mikako Ishibashi1 & Yusuke Moriguchi2
1 Department of Psychology, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
2 Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
February 9,2021 Neuropsychologia Volume 154, 16 April 2021
  Neural basis for egalitarian sharing in five-to six-year-old children
Xianwei Menga,b,c, Yusuke Moriguchia
a Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan
b Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Kojimachi Business Center Building, 5-3-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
c Center of Baby Science, Doshisha University, 4-1-1 Kizugawadai, Kizugawashi, Kyoto, Japan
February 5,2021 Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
  Evaluation of hemodynamic changes using near‐infrared spectroscopy in patients with tic‐related obsessive–compulsive disorder
Keiichiro Mukai MD, PhD1, Naomi Matsuura PhD2, Masahiro Miyauchi MD1,
Takuya Hashimoto MD1, Kyosuke Yamanishi MD, PhD1, Kensei Maebayashi MD, PhD1,
Kazuhisa Hayashida MD, PhD1, Hisato Matsunaga MD, PhD1
1 Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, Japan
2 Faculty of Education, Mie University, 1577 Kurimamachiya‐cho Tsu, Mie, 514‐8507 Japan
January 12,2021 Developmental Psychobiology
  Roles of culture and COMT Val58Met gene on neural basis of executive function: A comparison between Japanese and American children
Sawa Senzaki1, Uwe Pott1, Ikuko Shinohara2, Yusuke Moriguchi3
1 University of Wisconsin‐Green Bay, Green Bay, WI, USA
2 National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
3 Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
December 21,2020 Bulletin of Naragakuen University Volume 13 57-62P ISSN2188-918X
  Influence of aging on the inhibitory function in elderly women during incongruent Stroop trials: A NIRS study
Naragakuen University
December 3,2020 Behavioural Brain Research Volume 399, 5 February 2021, 113046
  Changes in prefrontal cortical activation during motor imagery of precision gait with age and task difficulty
Kohei Kotegawaa,b, Akira Yasumurac, Wataru Teramotoc
a Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science, Kumamoto Health Science University, 325, Izumi Kumamoto,Japan
b Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University, 2-40-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto,Japan
c Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University, 2-40-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto, Japan
November 16,2020 Kawasaki Journal of Medical Welfare Vol. 26, No. 2, 2021 141-150
  Differential Activation Patterns in the Prefrontal Cortex during Top-down and Bottom-up Behavioral Adaptations in Reversal Learning: A Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study
Department of Orthoptics, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare, Kurashiki, 701-0193, Japan
October 13,2020 IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering
(Volume: 28, Issue: 12)
DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2020.3030639
  Performance Improvement of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces Using Transcranial Near-Infrared Photobiomodulation With the Same Device
Jinuk Kwon, Chang-Hwan Im
Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
October 8,2020 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.535775
  Pitch Processing Can Indicate Cognitive Alterations in Chronic Liver Disease: An fNIRS Study
Geonsang Jo1, Young-Min Kim2,3, Dae Won Jun4,*†, Eunju Jeong3,5,*†
1 Daehong Communications Inc, Seoul, South Korea
2 Graduate School of Technology and Innovation Management, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
3 College of Interdisciplinary Industrial Studies, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
4 Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
5 Department of Music and Science for Clinical Practice, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
September 28,2020 Developmental Psychobiology
  Are there sex differences in the development of prefrontal function during early childhood?
Ikuko Shinohara1, Yusuke Moriguchi2
1 National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
2 Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
September 1,2020 Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, Volume 84, Issue 9 Pages 1894–1902,
  2,3-Dimethylpyrazine (3DP) and 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone (DMHF) generated by the Maillard reaction in foods affect autonomic nervous activity and central nervous activity in human Motoko Ohata1, Lanxi Zhou2, Yukihiro Yada3, Issei Yokoyama3, Keizo Arihara2
1 Department of Food Bioscience & Biotechnology, Nihon University , Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan
2 Department of Animal Science, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Towada, Aomori, Japan
3 School of Integrative and Global Majors, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
August 26,2020 Behavioural Brain Research Volume 396, 1 January 2021, 112881
  Changes in brain activity induced by the N-back task are related to improved dual-task performance TakehideKimuraa RyoutaMatsuurab
a Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Tsukuba International University, Japan
b Living and Health Sciences Education, Specialized Subject Fields of Education, Graduate School of Education, Joetsu University of Education, Japan
August 5,2020 J. of Biomedical Optics, 25(8), 087001 (2020).
  Exclusive detection of cerebral hemodynamics in functional near-infrared spectroscopy by reflectance modulation of the scalp surface.
Hiroshi Kawaguchi1, Yukari Tanikawa2, Toru Yamada2
1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Human Informatics and Inter (Japan).
2 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan).
July 30, 2020 Brain and Behavior
  Effects of social and nonsocial reward on executive function in preschoolers
Kanda Lertladaluck1, Nuanchan Chutabhakdikul1, Nicolas Chevalier2, Yusuke Moriguchi3
1: Research Center for Neuroscience, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
2: Department of Psychology, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
3: Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
June 30, 2020 Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 24(1), 107-131.
  The Effects of Speaking Activities on Brain Blood Flow: An NIRS Study
Junko Negishi1, Hiroyuki Kanzaki2, Yuko Yamada3, Masumi Murakami4, Erika Ozawa4 and Yoshiyuki Nakamura5
1: Associate Professor, Department of English and American Language and Literature, School of Literature, Tsurumi University
2: Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University
3: Research associate, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University
4: Clinical Fellow, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University
5: Professor Emeritus, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Tsurumi University
June 25, 2020 PLOS ONE
  Effects of the characteristic temperament of cats on the emotions and hemodynamic responses of humans
Takumi Nagasawa1, Mitsuaki Ohta1, Hidehiko Uchiyama2*
1: Graduate School of Agriculture Studies Tokyo University of Agriculture, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan
2: Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Atsugi, Kanagawa, Japan
June 23, 2020 EdMedia + Innovate Learning ISBN 978-1-939797-50-6
  Effects of Feedback and Reflection on Performance during Wood Sawing and Prefrontal Cortex Activation
Daiki Tamatani1, Takashi Usuzaka2, Hiroaki Shoji2
1: Sagamihara Municipal Chuo Junior High School, Japan
2: College of Education, Ibaraki University, Japan
June 22, 2020 Cognition Volume 203
  Cognitive and neural underpinnings of goal maintenance in young children
Kaichi Yanaokaa,d, Yusuke Moriguchib, Satoru Saitoc
a Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654, Japan
b Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University, Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
c Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
d Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Chiyoda-ku, 5-3-1 Kojimachi, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan
June 19,2020 Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science DOI: 10.4236/jbbs.2020.106017
  A Training Effect by Three-Month Watering on the Frontal Pole Activation of Healthy Older Adults.
Masahiro Toyoda1, Yuko Yokota1, Hiroyuki Kikukawa2
1 Graduate School of Landscape Design and Management, University of Hyogo, Awaji, Japan.
2 Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
June 11, 2020 Brain and CognitionVolume 143, August 2020, 105585
  Neurocognitive development of flanker and Stroop interference control: A near-infrared spectroscopy study Author links open overlay panel
Michael K.Yeunga ,Tsz L.Leeb , Agnes S.Chanbc
a Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 2B4, Canada
b Neuropsychology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
c Chanwuyi Research Center for Neuropsychological Well-being, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
June 10, 2020 Brain and DevelopmentVolume 42, Issue 8, September 2020, Pages 555-563
  Executive dysfunction in medication-naïve children with ADHD: A multi-modal fNIRS and EEG study
Yoshimi Kagaa,c, Riyo Uedaa, Miho Tanakaa, Yosuke Kitaa,d, Kota Suzukia,e, Yasuko Okumuraa,f, Yuka Egashiraa , Yuka Shirakawaa, Shota Mitsuhashia, Yuzuki Kitamuraa,f,g, Eiji Nakagawab, Yushiro Yamashitah, Masumi Inagakia
a Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, 4-1-1 Ogawahigashi-cho, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-8553, Japan
b Department of Child Neurology, National Center Hospital, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, 4-1-1 Ogawahigashi-cho, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-8551, Japan
c Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, 1110 Shimokato, Chuo, Yamanashi 409-3898, Japan
d Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU), Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, 3 Haartmaninkatu, Helsinki 00290, Finland
e Faculty of Education, Shitennoji University, 3-2-1 Gakuenmae, Habikino, Osaka 583-8501, Japan
f Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Research Fellow, Kojimachi Business Center Building, 5-3-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, Japan
g Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University, 4-9-1, Shiobaru Minami-ku, Fukuoka 815-8540, Japan
h Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine, 67 Asahimachi, Kurume, Fukuoka 830-0011, Japan
April 15, 2020 The Journal of Physical Therapy Science
  Contribution of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation, ankle muscle activities, and coactivation during dual-tasks to postural steadiness: a pilot study
Nobuko Fujita1*, Sho Kunimune2, Shuichi Okada3
1: Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Naragakuen University: Nara, Japan
2: Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Science, Osaka Yukioka College of Health Science, Japan
3: Department of Human Development, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Japan
March 15,2020 International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering
  N-back tasks for spatial and verbal working memory using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Kota KANO, Hisaya TANAKA
Kogakuin University, Japan
March 14, 2020 Rigakuryoho Kagaku 35(4): 515–519, 2020
  Whether the Immediate Pain-relief Effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Performed at the Motor-level Varies with the Combination of Frequency and Pulse Width
Kanshu HARA, RPT, MS1,2, Hideki YOSHIDA, RPT, PhD2, Rei ODAGIRI, RPT, MS2,3, Takaya MAEDA, RPT, PhD2,4
1: Department of Rehabilitation, Kuroishi General Hospital, Aomori 036-0541, Japan
2: Department of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Science
3: Department of Rehabilitation, Hirosaki Stroke and Rehabilitation Center
4: Department of Rehabilitation, Hirosaki Memorial Hospital
February 29, 2020 BULLETIN OF JSSD 2020
  Impact of perceptual sensitivity and creativity on changes in cerebral blood flow during visual search tasks - Consideration based on the difference of brain activity
Yusuke Ashizawa1, Shinichi Koyama2, Hiroshi Yamazawa1
1: Shibaura Institute of Technology
2: University of Tsukuba
2019 Human Interface Society Vol.21 No.3,2019
  A psychophysiological approach to purposeless information searching
-- Information design based on optimal stimulation level theory --
Miwa Nakanishi, Motoya Takahashi
Keio University
December 31, 2019 Developmental Neuropsycholog Volume45, 2020 - Issue1
  Development of Cognitive Shifting from Others’ Behavior in Young Children: A Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study
Yusuke Moriguchi & Chifumi Sakata
Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
December 23, 2019 Neuroimaging -Neurobiology, Multimodal and Netwaork applications IntechOpen
  Measurement and Evaluation of Brain Activity for Train Divers Using Wearable NIRS
Hitoshi Tsunashima1 and Keita Alibara2
1: Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University, Chiba, Japan
2: JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
December 23, 2019 Neuroimaging Open access-reviewed chapter-ONLINE FIRST DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.90499
  Measurement and Evaluation of Brain Activity for Train Drivers Using Wearable NIRS
Hitoshi Tsunashima1 and Keita Aibara2
1: Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University, Japan
2: JEOL Ltd., Japan
December 13, 2019 Experimental Brain Research volume 238, pages221–228(2020)
  Activity in the prefrontal cortex during motor imagery of precision gait: an fNIRS study
Kohei Kotegawa1,2, Akira Yasumura3, Wataru Teramoto3
1: Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Science, Kumamoto Health Science University, Kumamoto, 861-5598, Japan
2: Graduate School of Social and Cultural Sciences, Kumamoto University, 2-40-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto, 860-8555, Japan
3: Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University, 2-40-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto, 860-8555, Japan
December 13, 2019 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
  Mandibular prognathism attenuates brain blood flow induced by chewing
Hiroyuki Kanzaki1, Satoshi Wada1, Masao Kumazawa1, Yuko Yamada1, Tomomi Sudo1,
Erika Ozawa1, Takuya Seko1, Shun Akaike1, Masumi Murakami1, Takashi Oikawa1,
Yoshiki Nakamura1 & Hiroshi Tomonari1 Satoshi Okumura2
1: Department of Orthodontics, Tsurumi University, School of Dental Medicine, Yokohama, Japan
2: Department of Physiology, Tsurumi University, School of Dental Medicine, Yokohama, Japan
November 19, 2019 Niigata University of Rehabilitation Bulletin info:doi/10.32244/00000157
  Efforts to maintain and improve eating and swallowing function in local healthy elderly
Keizou Takahashi, Chie Yamamura
Niigata University of Rehabilitation Repository
October 21, 2019 Japan Society of Kansei Engineering Vol.19, No.1, pp.49-53
  Examination of Optimal Mental Task for Brain-computer Interface using Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Akira MASUO, Shotaro KAGA and Shohei KATO
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi,466-8555, Japan
October 14, 2019 International Journal of Bilingualism
  Bilingual effects on cognitive shifting and prefrontal activations in young children Yusuke Moriguchi1,2, Kanda Lertladaluck3
1: Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Japan
2: Japan Science and Technology Agency, PRESTO, Japan
3: Research Center for Neuroscience, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University, Thailand
September 12, 2019 Voice and Swallowing Disorders Open access peer-reviewed chapter - ONLINE FIRST
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88495
  Effect of Salivation by Facial Somatosensory Stimuli of Facial Massage and Vibrotactile Apparatus
Tsunoda Yumi1, Akatuka Sumiko1, Fukui Sayaka1, Nakayama Enri2, Abe Kimiko2, Sato Mituyasu2,
Kimura Masanori2, Kato Syunnichiryou2, Sakai Maho2, Yamaoka Masaru3, Watanabe Mao4,
Ueda Koichirou4 and Hiraba Hisao4
1: Nihon University Dental Hospital at Surugadai, Japan
2: Department of Dysphasia Rehabilitation, Japan
3: Department of Physics, Japan
4: Department of Dysphasia Rehabilitation, Japan
September 1, 2019 IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer
Sciences 2019 Volume E102.A Issue 9 Pages 1250-1253
  Consideration of Relationship between Human Preference and Pulse Wave Derived from Brain Activity
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama
August 1, 2019 Rigakuryoho Kagaku 34(6): 839–846, 2019.
  Effects of a 3-week Exercise-based Intervention Program for Elderly Fibromyalgia Inpatients on Pain, Physical and Attention Abilities, Quality of Living, and Cerebral Blood Flow
Nobuko FUJITA, RPT, PhD1, Koji IKEDA, RPT, PhD1, Noriko TAKAI, PhD2,
Motoshi KANEKO, RPT3, Satoshi MATSUNO, RPT, MMSc2, Kenji MIKI, MD, PhD2,3,
Emiko SENBA, MD, PhD2
1: Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Naragakuen University
2: Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Science, Osaka Yukioka College of Health Science
3: Hayaishi Hospital
August, 2019 Brain and Cognition Volume 134,August 2019,Pages21-28
  Emotion-related cerebral blood flow changes in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex: An NIRS study
Sachiyo Ozawaa,b, Noriaki Kanayama,c, Kazuo Hirakia
a: Graduate School of Arts and Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
b: UTokyo Center for Integrative Science of Human Behavior, Japan
c: Institute of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Japan
June 28, 2019 The 66th Annual Conference of JSSO
  C8-03 Analysis of Relationship between Idea Generation Using Sketch and Brain Activity
Kato Takeo1, Koike Jio1, Ashizawa Yusuke2
1: Keio University
2: Shibaura Institute of Technology
May 15, 2019 Brain and Cognition Volume 134, August 2019, Pages 21-28
  Emotion-related cerebral blood flow changes in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex: An NIRS study
Sachiyo Ozawaa,b, Noriaki Kanayamac, Kazuo Hirakia
a: Graduate School of Arts and Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
b: UTokyo Center for Integrative Science of Human Behavior, Japan
c: Institute of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Japan
April 25, 2019 Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica 2019 VOL.121 No.4
  Longitudinal Evaluation of the Relationship between Treatment Outcome and Prefrontal Cortex Activation in Major Depression : A Near-infrared Spectroscopy Study.
Takayuki Iwayama1, Miki Matsunaga2, Yasutaka Nabeta3, Shingo Katayama3
1 Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University
2 College of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University
3 Aoyama Shibuya Medical Clinic
March 14, 2019 Brain and Development Volume 41,Issue7 August 2019,Pages 577-586
  Age-related differences in frontal lobe function in children with ADHD
Akira Yasumuraa,b, Mikimasa Omorib,c, Ayako Fukudab, Junichi Takahashid, Yukiko Yasumurae,
Eiji Nakagawaf, Toshihide Koikeg, Yushiro Yamashitah, Tasuku Miyajimai, Tatsuya Koedaj,
Masao Aiharak, Masumi Inagakib
a: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, Japan
b: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, Kumamoto University, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP), Kodaira, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, Japan
c: Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Showa Women’s University, Tokyo, Japan
d: Department of Human Development, Faculty of Human Development and Culture, Fukushima University, Fukushima, Japan
e: Department of Children, Saitama Junshin Junior College, Hanyu, Japan
f: Department of Child Neurology, National Center Hospital, NCNP, Tokyo, Japan
g: Special-Support Science, Faculty of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo, Japan
h: Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume, Japan
i: Department of Education for Childcare, Tokyo Kasei University, Saitama, Japan
j: Faculty of Regional Sciences, Child Development and Learning Research Center, Tottori University, Tottori, Japan
k: Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research, Graduate School, University of Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan
March 12, 2019 2019 IEEE 1st Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech)
DOI: 10.1109/LifeTech.2019.8884054
  Examination of optimal cognitive task for Near-infrared spectroscopy-based brain-computer interfaces
Akira Masuo1, Shotaro Kaga1, Shohei Kato2
1: Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan
2: Frontier Research Institutes for Information Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan
March 12, 2019 2019 IEEE 1st Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech) 
DOI: 10.1109/LifeTech.2019.8883967
  Extraction of useful features for stress detection using various biosignals doing mental arithmetic
Shotaro Kaga, Shohei Kato
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, 466-8555, Japan
  Effects of periodic carbohydrate ingestion on endurance and cognitive performances during a 40-km cycling time-trial under normobaric hypoxia in well-trained triathletes.
Yi-Hung Liaoa, Toby Mündelb, Yan-Ting Yanga, Chen-Chan Weic and Shiow-Chwen Tsaid
a Department of Exercise and Health Science, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan.
b School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
c Department of Aquatics, University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan.
d Institute of Sports Sciences, University of Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan.
March 5, 2019 Japanese Journal of Radiology
  Monitoring of fatigue in radiologists during prolonged image interpretation using fNIRS
Takashi Nihashi1, Takeo Ishigaki2, Hiroko Satake3, Shinji Ito3, Osamu Kaii2, Yoshine Mori4,
Kazuhiro Shimamoto5, Hiromichi Fukushima2, Kojiro Suzuki6, Hiroyasu Umakoshi1, Mitsuo Ohashi7,
Fumio Kawaguchi7, Shinji Naganawa3
1 Department of Radiology, Komaki City Hospital, 1‑20 Johbu, Komaki 485‑8520, Aichi, Japan.
2 Nagoya Jhohoku Radiology Clinic, Nagoya, Japan.
3 Department of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan.
4 Department of Radiology, Anjo Kosei Hospital, Anjo, Japan.
5 Department of Radiological and Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine,Nagoya, Japan.
6 Department of Radiology, Aichi Medical University,Nagakute, Japan.
7 Spectratech, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
February 22, 2019 Scientific reports, (2019) 9:2585
  Socioeconomic disparity in prefrontal development during early childhood.
Yusuke Moriguchi1,2,3, Ikuko Shinohara4.
1: Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Yoshidahoncho, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan.
2: Japan Science and Technology Agency, PRESTO/Sakigake, Honcho4-1-8, Kawaguchi, Saitama, 332-0012, Japan.
3: Department of Education, Joetsu University of Education, Yamayashikicho, Joetsu, 943-8501, Japan.
4: National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan, Kasumigaseki 4, Chiyodku, Tokyo, 100-8959, Japan.
Feburary 13,2019 AUTISM RESEARCH
  Frontal lobe dysfunction underlies the differential word retrieval impairment in adolescents with
high‐functioning autism
Michael K. Yeung1,2, Tsz L. Lee1, Agnes S. Chan1,3
1: Neuropsychology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China
2: Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
3: Chanwuyi Research Center for Neuropsychological Well‐Being, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China
  Pilot study on eff ects of two verbal interaction types in co-eating image
Nobember 24, 2018 The 27th Japan Academy of Learning Disabilities.
  [P8-154] Implementation effect of ADHD smart drill at home
--Improvement of ADHD symptoms using brain drill at home, and follow-up survey result--
Shigehiro Nemoto
Nemoto Co.,Ltd.
  High Oxygen Exchange to Music Indicates Auditory Distractibility in Acquired Brain Injury:
An fNIRS Study with a Vector-Based Phase Analysis
Eunju Jeong1,2, Hokyoung Ryu1,3, Joon-Ho Shin4, Gyu Hyun Kwon1,3, Geonsang Jo1
& JiYeong Lee4
1: Department of Arts and Technology, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763, Republic of Korea.
2: Division of Industrial Information Studies, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763, Republic of Korea.
3: Graduate School of Technology and Innovation Management, Hanyang University, Seoul, 04763, Republic of Korea.
4: Department of Neurorehabilitation, National Rehabilitation Center, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Seoul, 01022, Republic of Korea.
Nobember 11, 2018 The 48th Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
  P2-05-05  Inhibition function as biomarker in patients with ADHD: Simultaneous study of NIRS and ERP in Go/NoGo task
Yoshimi Kaga1, Rio Ueda1, Miho Tanaka1, Yousuke Kita1, Kouta Suzuki1, Yasuko Okumura1,
Shouta Mitsuhashi1,Yuzuki Kitamura1, Eiji, Nakagawa2, Masumi Inagaki1
1 Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, NCNP,
2 Department of Child Neurology, National Center Hospital, NCNP.
Nobember 11, 2018 The 48th Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
  E8-4 Predicting children with ADHD using prefrontal cortex activity
Akira Yasumura
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kumamoto University,Kumamoto, Japan
Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP), Kodaira, Japan
October 11,2018 Developmental psychobiology, 60(8), 989-998.
  Neural correlates of delay of gratification choice in young children.
Yusuke Moriguchi1,2,3, Ikuko Shinohara4, Kaichi Yanaoka1
1: Graduate School of Edcaution, Kyoto University, Yoshidahoncho, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan.
2: Japan Science and Technology Agency, PRESTO/Sakigake, Honcho4-1-8, Kawaguchi, Saitama, 332-0012, Japan.
3: Department of Education, Joetsu University of Education, Yamayashikicho, Joetsu, 943-8501, Japan.
4: National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan, Kasumigaseki 4, Chiyodku, Tokyo, 100-8959, Japan.
October 6,2018 fNIRS 2018 Tokyo, Japan
  Clinical applications Disinhibition in children with ADHD:
Simultaneous study of fNIRS and ERPs in Go/NoGo task
Yoshimi Kagaa, Riyo Uedaa, Miho Tanakaa, Yosuke Kitaa, Kota Suzukia, Yasuko Okumuraa,
Shota Mitsuhashia, Yuzuki Kitamuraa, Eiji Nakagawab, Masumi Inagakia
a: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP), Japan
b: Department of Child Neurology, National Center Hospital, NCNP, Japan
October 6,2018 fNIRS 2018 Tokyo, Japan
  I-20 Reduction of Scalp Hemodynamic Component from fNIRS Signal Using a Reflectance-Modulation Device
H. Kawaguchi, Y. Tanikawa, T. Yamada
Human Informatics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
October 6,2018 fNIRS 2018 Tokyo, Japan
  I-39 The frontal pole activity in imagination of a self-related future situation
Yumi Oboshia, Kohei Miyatab, Takahiko Koikeb and Norihiro Sadatob
a Preeminent Medical Photonics Education & Research Center, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan
b Department of System Neuroscience, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Japan
September 28,2018 Journal of Neuroscience and Brain Imaghing 2018 Vol.2 No.1:2
  Profound haemodynamic Response in the Prefrontal Cortex Induced by Musical Stimuli
Yukio Imamura1,2,3,*, Yuki Murakami1, Ken Miura4, Koji Miura5, Takafumi Miyazaki6,
Keijiro Yamada7, Satoko Mitani8 and Syohken Koh9
1: Organization for Research Initiative and Development, Doshisya University, Kyoto, Japan
2: Department of Traumatology and Acute Critical Medicine, Osaka University, Japan
3: Human Health Science, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
4: Kyoto University Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto, Japan
5: Syakariha, Social Rehabilitation Design Inc., Osaka, Japan
6: National Institute of Technology, Kure College, Hiroshima, Japan
7: Kanazawa Industrial University, Kanazawa, Japan
8: Department of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Gifu University of Medical Sciences, Gifu, Japan
9: Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Engineering, Yamaguchi, Japan
September 21,2018 International Journal of Enviromental Research and Public Health
  Cognitive Load Changes during Music Listening and its Implication in Earcon Design in Public Environments: An fNIRS Study
Eunju Jeong1,2,*, Hokyoung Ryu1,3, Geonsang Jo1 and Jaehyeok Kim4
1: Department of Arts and Technology, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea
2: Division of Industrial Information Studies, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea
3: Graduate School of Technology and Innovation Management, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea
4: Department of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea
September 9,2018 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  C122005 Brain Activity Measurement for Design
Takeo KATO
Keio University
August 30,2018 Springer, Cham Oxygen Transport to Tissue XL pp 269-274
  Dynamic Exercise Elicits Dissociated Changes Between Tissue Oxygenation and Cerebral Blood Flow in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Study Using NIRS and PET
Mikio Hiura1,2,3, Tadashi Nariai2,3, Katsumi Takahashi4, Akitaka Muta2, Muneyuki Sakata3,
Kenji Ishibashi3, Jun Toyohara3, Kei Wagatsuma3, Tetsuro Tago3, Kenji Ishii3, Taketoshi Maehara3
1: Center for Brain and Health Sciences Aomori University Aomori Japan
2: Department of NeurosurgeryTokyo Medical and Dental University Tokyo Japan
3: Research Team for Neuroimaging Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology Tokyo Japan
4: Faculty of Creative Engineering Kanagawa Institute of Technology Tokyo Japan
July, 2018 Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies Volume 22, Issue 3, July 2018, Pages 810-816
  Lip closure training improves eating behaviors and prefrontal cortical hemodynamic activity and decreases daytime sleep in elderly persons
Kouich Takamotoa,3, suyoshi Saitohb,3, Toru Taguchia,2, Hiroshi Nishimarub, Susumu Urakawaa,1, Shigekazu Sakaia, Taketoshi Onoa, Hisao Nishijob
a: Department of Judo Neurophysiotherapy, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Sugitani 2630, Toyama 930-0194, Japan
b: System Emotional Science, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Sugitani 2630, Toyama 930-0194, Japan
July 9, 2018 Japanese Psychological Research 2018, Volume 60, No. 4, 327–336
doi: 10.1111/jpr.12205
  Special issue: fNIRS in Psychological Research
Repeated Stops for a Red Light Induced a Left-SuperiorAsymmetrical Brain Activity in the
Near-InfraredSpectroscopy Reflecting Approach Motivation of Angerin Elderly Adults but not in Younger Adults
1: Nagoya University
2: Aichi Shukutoku University
3: University of Tokyo
June, 2018 Neuroscience Research Vol 131,June 2018,Page30-35
  The relationship between the superior frontal cortex and alpha oscillation in a flanker task:
Simultaneous recording of electroencephalogram (EEG) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
Kota Suzukia, Yasuko Okumuraa, Yosuke Kitaa, Yuhei Oia,b, Haruo Shinodac, Masumi Inagakia
a: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan
b: Department of Special Needs Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
c: Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Rissho University, Japan
June 22,2018 The 65th Annual Conference of JSSD
  Relationship between the colors of the light and the brain activity measured by NIRS
Li Tianyu1, Kato Takeo1, Shimomura Masaki2, Yoshimura Takamasa2
1: Keio University - Faculty of Science and Technology
2: OPTIS Japan
June 19,2018 Japanese Psychological Research doi: 10.1111/jpr.12206 2018, Volume 60, No. 4, 347–373
  Special issue: fNIRS in Psychological Research
A Review on the Use of Wearable Functional NearInfrared Spectroscopy in Naturalistic Environments1
PAUL BURGESS, and ILIAS TACHTSIDIS University College London
June 17,2018 OHBM 2018 Singapore
  No.1966 Self-relevant imagination enhances frontal pole activity - a NIRS study
Yumi Oboshi1, Kohei Miyata2, Takahiko Koike2, Norihiro Sadato2
1 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan
2 National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan
June 17,2018 OHBM 2018 Singapore
  No.2783 Mindful driving: Detecting driver attention and distraction using fNIRS
Yusuke Fujiwara, Satoru Hiwa, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu
Doshisha University, Kyotanabe-shi, Kyoto, Japan
June 10,2018 Journal of the Science of Design
Takeo KATO1, Shogo OTAGIRI1, Yusuke NAGAMORI2, Yuuichi IZU3
1: Keio University
2: Tsukuba University of Technology
3: Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
May 21,2018 DS 92: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference
Kato, Takeo; Okada, Hikaru; Izu, Yuichi
Keio University, Mechanical Engineering
  The Effect of the MRET Wave Rider Device on Cerebral Blood Flow and the Blood Brain Barrier:
A Case Study
Smirnov IV1*, Fisher HW2
1: CEO Global Quantech, Riga, Latvia,
2: Senior Academic Dean, HOC academy, Radcliff, Kentucky
May 19,2018 Journal of Nanotechnology and Smart Materials
  The Effect of the Mret Wave Rider Device on Cerebral Blood Flow and the Blood Brain Barrier: A Case Study
Smirnov IV1,*, Fisher HW2
1: CEO Global Quantech, Riga, Latvia
2: Senior Academic Dean, HOC Academy, Radcliff, Kentucky
May 16,2018 frontiers in Psychology
  Frontal Underactivation During Working Memory Processing in Adults With Acute Partial Sleep Deprivation: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study
Michael K. Yeung1, Tsz L. Lee1, Winnie K. Cheung1 and Agnes S. Chan1,2*
1: Neuropsychology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
2: Chanwuyi Research Center for Neuropsychological Well-Being, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
May 1,2018 IEEJ Vol.138(2018) No.5 p.572-577
  Preference Identification for Images using the Change of The Amount of Blood in Frontal Lobe with NIRS
Yang Du1, Daiki Sawada1, Yuukou Horita2
1: Department of Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama
2: Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama
April 24,2018 Biomedical Imaging and Sensing Conference PROCEEDINGS VOLUME 10711
  Measurement of head phantom by functional near infrared imaging using multi-distance probe configuration
Koki Hayabusa and Eiji Okada
Keio Univ. (Japan)
April 16,2018 The Society for Industrial Plant Human Factors of JAPN
  Study on Information Design for Supporting Resilient Operation : A Practical Method for Safety-II Miwa NAKANISHI1*, Keisuke YAO1*
Keio University
April 13,2018 The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society
  C024:Monitoring of prefrontal response of radiologist by long time image interpretation in a poor physical condition, using fNIRS
Takashi Nihashi
Department of Radiology, Komaki City Hospital
April 9,2018 Sensors and Materials, Vol. 30, No. 7 (2018) 1487–1497
  Evaluation of Online Advertisement Design
Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Chikaho Kurahashi1, Tadanobu Misawa2* and Kazuya Yamashita2
1: Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Education, University of Toyama, 3109 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
2: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, 3109 Gofuku, Toyama-shi,
Toyama 930-8555, Japan
April 1,2018 IEEJ Vol.138(2018) p.341-346
  A Study of Image Quality Assessment Using the Biological Information with NIRS
Yang Du1, Daiki Sawada1, Yuukou Horita12
1: Department of Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama
2: Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama
March 30,2018 J.Environ.,AIJ,Vol83 No.745,247-256 DOI
Naok SANO1, Takeshi AKIRA2 and Jun MUNAKATA3
1: Researcher,Sch. of Sci. and Tech. for Future Life,Tokyo Denki Univ.,Dr.Eng,
2: Prof.,Dept. of Arch., Sch. of Sci. and Tech. for Future Life, Tokyo Denki Univ., Dr.Eng.
3: Prof., Grad. Sch. of Eng., Chiba Univ., Dr.Eng.
March 20,2018 Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 25,59-67
  Hemodynamic responses in prefrontal cortex and personality characteristics in patients with bulimic disorders: a near-infrared spectroscopy study
Noriko Numata1, Yoshiyuki Hirano1, Chihiro Sutoh2, Daisuke Matsuzawa1,2, Kotaro Takeda3, Rikukage Setsu2, Eiji Shimizu1,2 & Michiko Nakazato4
1: Research Center for Child Mental Development, Chiba University, 1-8-1 Inohana, Chuo-ku, Chiba, 260-8670, Japan
2: Department of Cognitive Behavioral Physiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
3: Faculty of Rehabilitation, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University, Toyoake, Japan
4: Department of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
February 12,2018 Clinical Neurophysiology Volume 129, Issue 4, April 2018, Pages 759-765
  Right prefrontal cortex specialization for visuospatial working memory and developmental alterations in prefrontal cortex recruitment in school-age children
Kota Suzukia, Yosuke Kitaa, Yuhei Oia,b,c, Yasuko Okumuraa, Hideyuki Okuzumib, Masumi Inagakia
a: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP), 4-1-1, Ogawahigashi, Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan
b: Department of Special Needs Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, 4-1-1, Nukuikitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan
c: Faculty of Education, Tokoha University, 1-22-1, Sena, Aoi, Shizuoka, Japan
January 7,2018 2018 International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT)
DOI: 10.1109/IWAIT.2018.8369689
  Examination of the individual differences under the same image viewing environment by using NIRS
Koji Yoshiie1, Yang Du2, Daiki Sawada2, Yuukou Horita2
1: Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi Toyama, Japan
2: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan
January 7,2018 2018 International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT)
DOI: 10.1109/IWAIT.2018.8369685
  Analysis of the relationship between cerebral blood flow and preference while viewing different image contents associated with emotions
Fumiya Kamizeki1, Yang Du2, Daiki Sawada2, Yuukou Horita2
1: Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi Toyama, Japan
2: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan
January 7,2018 2018 International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT)
DOI: 10.1109/IWAIT.2018.8369746
  A study of the influence of video quality on apparent SpO2
Yota Niigaki, Yang Du, Daiki Sawada, Yuukou Horita
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan
January 7,2018 2018 International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT)
DOI: 10.1109/IWAIT.2018.8369704
  Consideration of the effect of preference for image contents using apparent SpO2
Yudai Sato1, Du Yang2, Daiki Sawada2, Yuukou Horita2
1: Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan
2: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan
January 7,2018 2018 International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT)
DOI: 10.1109/IWAIT.2018.8369691
  Measurement of the difference of the cerebral blood flow while viewing image contents by using different displays
Kazuki Nakayama1, Yang Du2, Daiki Sawada2, Yuukou Horita2
1: Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi Toyama, Japan
2: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan
January 4,2018 Developmetal Science
  Effect of the COMT Val158Met genotype on lateral prefrontal activations in young children
Yusuke Moriguchi1,2,3, Ikuko Shinohara4
1: Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Yoshidahoncho, Kyoto, Japan
2: Department of School Education, Joetsu University of Education, Yamayashikicho, Joetsu, Japan
3: Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi, Saitama, Japan
4: National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan, Chiyodku, Tokyo, Japan
2017 Color Science Association of Japan. JCSAJ Vol.41 No.3
  Verification of an exciting and calming effect of color based on cerebral blood flow change
Yoshihiko Azuma, Yuji Sakurai, Takashi Yamazoe
Tokyo Polytechnic University
November 20,2017 Journal of Attention Disorders
  Applied Machine Learning Method to Predict Children With ADHD Using Prefrontal Cortex Activity:
A Multicenter Study in Japan.
Akira Yasumura1,2, Mikimasa Omori1,3, Ayako Fukuda1, Junichi Takahashi4, Yukiko Yasumura5,
Eiji Nakagawa6, Toshihide Koike7, Yushiro Yamashita8, Tasuku Miyajima9, Tatsuya Koeda10,11,
Masao Aihara12, Hisateru Tachimori1, and Masumi Inagaki1
1: National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Kodaira, Japan
2: The University of Tokyo Hospital, Bunkyo, Japan
3: Showa Women’s University, Setagaya, Japan
4: Fukushima University, Fukushima, Japan
5: Saitama Junshin Junior College, Saitama, Japan
6: National Center Hospital, Kodaira, Japan
7: Tokyo Gakugei University, Koganei, Japan
8: Kurume University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan
9: Tokyo Medical University, Shinjuku, Japan
10: Tottori University, Tottori, Japan
11: National Center for Child Health and Development, Setagaya, Japan
12: University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan
November 9,2017 Developmental Science. DOI: 10.1111/desc.12649
  Effect of the COMT Val158Met genotype on lateral prefrontal activations in young children.
Yusuke Moriguchi1,2,3, Ikuko Shinohara4
1: Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Yoshidahoncho, Kyoto, Japan
2: Department of School Education, Joetsu University of Education, Yamayashikicho,Joetsu, Japan
3: Japan Science and Technology Agency,Kawaguchi, Saitama, Japan
4: National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan, Chiyodku, Tokyo, Japan
October 12,2017 Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science
Vol.07 No.10(2017), Article ID:79572,20 pages
DOI: 10.4236/jbbs.2017.710033
  Gardening May Repeatedly Activate the Frontal Pole
Masahiro Toyoda1*, Yuko Yokota1, Susan Rodiek2
1: Graduate School of Landscape Design and Management, University of Hyogo, Awaji, Japan.
2: Center for Health Systems & Design, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, USA.
September 7, 2017 Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
  Lip closure training improves eating behaviors and prefrontal cortical hemodynamic activity and decreases daytime sleep in elderly persons.
Kouich Takamotoa,3, Tsuyoshi Saitohb,3, Toru Taguchia,2, Hiroshi Nishimarub, Susumu Urakawaa,1, Shigekazu Sakaia, Taketoshi Onoa, Hisao Nishijob
a: Department of Judo Neurophysiotherapy, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Japan.
b: System Emotional Science, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Japan.
1: Present address: Department of Musculoskeletal Functional Research and Regeneration, Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, Japan.
2: Present address: Department of Physical Therapy, Niigata University of Health and Welfare, Japan.
3: These authors contributed equally.
August 3, 2017 Anthrozoös
  A multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals Volume 30, 2017 - Issue 3 Pages 473-486
The Effects of Touching and Stroking a Cat on the Inferior Frontal Gyrus in People
Ai Kobayashi1, Yusuke Yamaguchi1, Nobuyo Ohtani1 ,Mitsuaki Ohta1、2
1: Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Azabu University School of Veterinary Medicine, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
2: Laboratory of Animal Facilitated Therapy, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Kanagawa, Japan
July 29, 2017 The 19th Medical image perception Study Group
  S4 Temporal monitoring of the frontal lobe response in continuous reading at poor physical condition
- Study using fNIRS -
Takashi Nihashi1, Hiroyasu Umakoshi1, Hiroko Satake2, Fumio Kawaguchi3, Takeo Ishigaki4
1: Department of Radiology, Komaki City Hospital
2: Department of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
3: Spectratech Inc.
4: Department of Radiology, Nagoya Jhohoku Radiology Clinic
July 15, 2017 The 20th Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society
  P1-1 Cerebral blood flow dynamics during double task exercise in community-based elderly
Kazuo Harada
Social Welfare Organization Saiseikai Imperial Gift Foundation,Inc.
  P2-8 Examination of the effect of inference difficulty in second language processing on brain activity of the forehead
Nozomi Naoi, Kenta Watanabe, Hitomi Ishida, Yasunori Morishima
International Chiristian University
  P3-4 Verification of physiological effects by color stimulation using NIRS
Takashi Yamazoe, Yuuji Sakurai, Yoshihiko Azuma
Faculty of Engineering , Tokyo Polytechnic University
July 13, 2017 IEICE Tech. Rep., vol. 117, no. 144, IMQ2017-9, pp. 21-24
  Relationship between the Change of App-SpO2 and the Subjective Evaluation While Viewing to the Pleasant and Unpleasant Images
Yang Du, Daiki Sawada, Yuukou Horita
Univ. of Toyama
July 12, 2017 NO TO HATTATSU Vol.49 (2017) No.4 p.243-249
  Neurophysiological biomarkers in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorders using
non-invasive evaluations of brain function
Yoshimi Kaga
Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
July 7, 2017 Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXIX pp 199-204
  Part of the Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series (AEMB, volume 977)
PFC Blood Oxygenation Changes in Four Different Cognitive Tasks
Tomotaka Takeda1, Yoshiaki Kawakami1, Michiyo Konno1, Yoshiaki Matsuda1, Masayasu Nishino1, Yoshihiro Suzuki1, Yoshiaki Kawano1, Kazunori Nakajima1, Toshimitsu Ozawa1, Yoshihiro Kondo2, Kaoru Sakatani3
1: Department of Oral Health and Clinical Science, Division of Sports Dentistry Tokyo Dental College Tokyo Japan
2: Department of General Dentistry Tokyo Dental College Chiba Hospital Tokyo Japan
3: NNEWCAT Research, Institute, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering College of Engineering, Nihon University Tokyo Japan
July 7, 2017 Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXIX pp 221-226
  Part of the Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series (AEMB, volume 977)
Relationships Between Gum Chewing and Stroop Test: A Pilot Study
Y. Kawakami1, T. Takeda1, M. Konno1, Y. Suzuki1, Y. Kawano1, T. Ozawa1, Y. Kondo2, K. Sakatani3
1: Department of Sports Dentistry Tokyo Dental College Chiba Japan
2: Department of General Dentistry Tokyo Dental College Chiba Hospital Chiba Japan
3: NEWCAT Research, Institute, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, College of Engineering Nihon University Chiyoda Japan
July 3, 2017 Ninth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)
  Preference identification for images using the change of the amount of blood in frontal lobe with NIRS
Yang Du1, Daiki Sawada1, Dorin Gutu2, Yasuhiro Inazumi2, Keiji Shibata2, Yuukou Horita2
1: Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan
2: Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan
June 19, 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
  ID: 1402 Study on discrimination of pleasant and unpleasant emotions evoked by visual stimuli using a machine learning
Nihon University
June 18, 2017 Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 2017, 7, 247-258
  Assessment of Prospective Memory using fNIRS in Immersive Virtual Reality Environment
Dong Dong, Lawrence K.F. Wong, Zhiwei Luo
School of System Informatics, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
June 2, 2017 Neuroreport: 6 September 2017 - Volume 28 - Issue 13 - p 828–832
doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000834 Clinical Neuroscience
  Excessive hemodynamic activity in the superior frontal cortex during the flanker task in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Suzuki Kotaa, Okumura Yasukoa, Kita Yosukea, Oi Yuheia,b,c, Yamashita Yushirod, Goto Takaakie, Inagaki Masumia
a: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
b: Department of Special Needs Education, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo
c: Faculty of Education, Tokoha University, Shizuoka
d: Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume
e: Department of School Education, College of Education, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan
April 30, 2017 Developmental Neurorehabilitation
  Predictive factors of success in neurofeedback training for children with ADHD
Yasuko Okumura1, Yosuke Kita1, Mikimasa Omori1, Kota Suzuki1, Akira Yasumura1,2,
Ayako Fukuda1 , Masumi Inagak1
1: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
2: Department of Neuropsychiatry, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
April 16, 2017 The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society
  C128: Effect of aroma to recover from fatigue by long time image interpretation, using fNIRS.
Takashi Nihashi1, Takeo Ishigaki2, Chizu Kumagai3 , Hiroko Satake4 , Shinji Ito4 , Shinji Naganawa4 , Osamu Kaii1 , Kazuhiro Shimamoto5 , Mitsuo Ohashi6.
1: Department of Radiology, Komaki City Hospital
2: Nagoya Jhohoku Radiology Clinic
3: Aroma Environment Association of Japan
4: Department of Radiology, Nagoya University School of Medicine
5: Department of Radiological Science, Nagoya University School of Medicine
6: Spectratech, Inc
April 15, 2017 The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society
  200: Monitoring of fatigue of radiologist caused by long time image interpretation, using fNIRS.
Takashi Nihashi1, Takeo Ishigaki2, Hiroko Satake3, Shinji Ito3, Shinji Naganawa3, Osamu Kaii1, Yoshine Mori4, Kazuhiro Shimamoto5, Mitsuo Ohashi6
1: Department of Radiology, Komaki City Hospital
2: Nagoya Jhohoku Radiology Clinic
3: Department of Radiology, Nagoya University School of Medicine
4: Department of Radiology, Anjo Kosei Hospital
5: Department of Radiological Science, Nagoya University School of Medicine
6: Spectratech, Inc
April 11, 2017 Front Neurosci. 2017 Apr 11;11:186. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00186. eCollection 2017
  Compression at Myofascial Trigger Point on Chronic Neck Pain Provides Pain Relief through the Prefrontal Cortex and Autonomic Nervous System: A Pilot Study.
Morikawa Y1, Takamoto K2, Nishimaru H1, Taguchi T2, Urakawa S2, Sakai S2, Ono T2, Nishijo H1
1: System Emotional Science, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama Toyama, Japan.
2: Department of Judo Neurophysiotherapy, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama Toyama, Japan.
April 3, 2017 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON EMOTIONS Vol. 24(2016) No. Supplement p. os07
  Measurement of emotional response and emotional control in the prefrontal cortex
- Examination using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) –
Sachiyo Ozawa
Graduate School of Arts and Science ,University of Tokyo, Komaba
March 31, 2017 Annual Bulletin of Institute of Psychological Studies, Showa Women’s University, 2017,
Vol.19, 1-10
  Prefrontal activity of parents, when reading emotions from infants' facial expressions: Differences based on psychological traits
Showa Women's University
March 10, 2017 Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design Vol.63 (2016) No.5 p.5_49-5_58
  Development and Verification of Information Strategy to Prompt Forming Attachment for Products
Moe Watanabe, Miwa Nakanishi
Keio University
February 17, 2017 Proc. SPIE 10059, Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue XII,
1005925 (February 17, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2250485
  Design and fabrication of a multi-layered solid dynamic phantom: validation platform on methods for reducing scalp-hemodynamic effect from fNIRS signal
Hiroshi Kawaguchi, Yukari Tanikawa, Toru Yamada
AIST (Japan)
February 9, 2017 Neuroreport: 3 May 2017 - Volume 28 - Issue 7 - p 391–396
doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000761
  Spatial working memory encoding type modulates prefrontal cortical activity
Oi Yuhei, Kita Yosuke, Suzuki Kota, Okumura Yasuko, Okuzumi Hideyuki, Shinoda Haruo, Inagaki Masumi
a: Department of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University
b: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
c: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP)
d: Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Rissho University, Tokyo, Japan
February 1, 2017 edupsych2016
  ID: PE06 From the viewpoint of cerebral blood flow, In a reading scene of a picture book, Gestures and activities of mirror neurons.
Yumiko Ishikawa1, Ayumi Sato2, Tsutomu Mizutani3, Yuu Saito4, Toshikazu Morishita5,
Hisao Kobayashi6
1: Utsunomiya University
2: Graduate school of Kyoto University
3: Seigakuin University
4: Seitoku University
5: Graduate school of Seigakuin University
6: Takasaki University of Health and Welfare
January 26, 2017 Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
Volume 262, 30 April 2017, Pages 1-7
  Evaluations of hemodynamic changes during neuropsychological test batteries using near-infrared spectroscopy in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
Keiichiro Mukaia, Naomi Matsuurab, Akihiro Nakajimaa, Yoshinobu Yanagisawaa,
Yoshikazu Yoshidaa, K ensei Maebayashia, Kazuhisa Hayashidaa, Hisato Matsunagaa
a: Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hyogo College of Medicine, 1-1, Mukogawa-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 6638131, Japan
b: Tokyo University and Graduate School of Social Welfare, 2-13-32, Marunouchi, Naka-ku, Nagoya, 4600002 Japan
November 1,2016 29th IFSCC 2016 Congress
  48.Systematic-quantitative evaluation of sedative effect of an aromatic component, “Rosa damascene”, using integrative physiological analysis
Miyuki Fujishiro
Cosmos Technical Center Co., Ltd.
October 28,2016 The 46th Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
  S9-2 Developmental changes and the abnormality of brain function to support the character reading of.
Yosuke Kita
National Institute Of Mental Health National Center Of Neurology And Psychiatry.
October 27,2016 Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2016;42:278-296
  Reduced Frontal Activations at High Working Memory Load in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Yeung M.K.a, Sze S.L.a, b, Woo J.c, Kwok T.d, Shum D.H.K.e, Yu R.c, Chan A.S.a, b
a: Department of Psychology
b: Chanwuyi Research Center for Neuropsychological Well-Being
c: Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
d: School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong, SAR, China
e: Menzies Health Institute Queensland and School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
September 25,2016 The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
Vol.70 (2016) No.10 p.J221-J226
  Brain Activation and Comprehension when Reading and Listening to Electronic Books
Haruo Isono1, Kazuki Onoguchi2
1: Tokyo Denki University
2: Yokogawa Solution Service Corporation
September 24,2016 The 6th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Dementia Prevention
  2A-4 Activating effect of gardening work(Seeding, watering) gives to the prefrontal cortex of the elderly.
Toyoda Masahiro1,2, Yokota Yuko1,2
1:Graduate School of Landscape Design and Management, University of Hyogo.
September 10,2016 The 18th Medical image perception Study Group
  B002 The relationship of fatigue and cerebral blood flow on long time image interpretation.
- Measurement using the fNIRS
Takashi Nihashi1, Takeo Ishigaki2, Hiroko Satake1, Shinji Ito1, Osamu Kaii3,
Kazuhiro Shimamoto4, Mitsuo Ohashi5
1: Department of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
2: Department of Radiology, Nagoya Jhohoku Radiology Clinic
3: Department of Radiology, Komaki City Hospital
4: Department of Radiological and Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
5: Spectratech Inc
September 10,2016 The The 18th Medical image perception Study Group
  B003 Attempts to recover the fatigue of long time image interpretation. 
- About the relationship of aroma and cerebral blood flow
Takashi Nihashi1, Takeo Ishigaki2, Chizu Kumagai3, Hiroko Satake1, Shinji Ito1,
Osamu Kaii4, Kazuhiro Shimamoto5, Mitsuo Ohashi6
1: Department of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
2: Department of Radiology, Nagoya Jhohoku Radiology Clinic
3: Aroma Environment Association of Japan
4: Department of Radiology, Komaki City Hospital
5: Department of Radiological and Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
6: Spectratech Inc
July 21, 2016 27th International Nursing Research Congress
  Basic Research of Reminiscence Therapy in Nursing Measured By Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
Atsuko Tokushige, PhD, RN, PHN
Faculty of Nursing, Setsunan University, Hirakata, Japan
July 18, 2016 Organizational Research Methods doi:10.1177/1094428116658959
  Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) for Assessing Cerebral Cortex Function During Human Behavior in Natural/Social Situations
A Concise Review
Valentina Quaresima1, Marco Ferrari2
1:Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, University of L‘Aquila, Italy
2:Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of L’Aquila, Italy
July 3, 2016 Advances in Ergonomics Modeling, Usability & Special Populations pp 621-633
  Physiological Responses Related to Visual Impressions of a Product: Evaluating Automobile Interior Design
Hidemaru Muto1, Tsuneyuki Yamamoto2, Naoki Kamiya2, Miwa Nakanishi1
1: Graduate School of Science and Technology Keio University Yokohama Japan
2: Tokai Rika Co., Ltd. Aichi Japan
June 13, 2016 Front. Aging Neurosci.,
  Melodic Contour Identification Reflects the Cognitive Threshold of Aging
Eunju Jeong and, Hokyoung Ryu
Department of Arts and Technology, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
May 2016 Brain and Development Volume 38, Issue5May 2016 Pages 471-480
  Altered frontal pole development affects self-generated spatial working memory in ADHD
Sumiyoshi Araia, Yuko Okamotoa,b, Toru Fujiokac,d, Keisuke Inoharac,e, Makoto Ishitobic,f,
Yukiko Matsumurac, Minyoung Junga,b, Kaori Kawamurag, Shinichiro Takiguchid,h,
Akemi Tomodaa,b,d, Yuji Wadac, Michio Hiratanig, Naomi Matsuurai, Hirotaka Kosakaa,b,c,d
a: Developmental Emotional Intelligence, Division of Developmental Higher Brain Functions, Department of Child Development United Graduate School of Child Development, University of Fukui, Japan.
b: Research Center for Child Mental Development, University of Fukui, Japan.
c: Department Neuropsychiatry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, Japan.
d: Department of Child and Adolescent Psychological Medicine, University of Fukui, Japan.
e: Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan.
f: Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan.
g: Hiratani Clinic for Developmental Disorders of Children, Japan.
h: Advanced Biomedical Sciences Course, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, Japan.
i: Tokyo University of Social Welfare, Japan.
May 30, 2016 Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, vol. Preprint, no. Preprint, pp. 1-14, 2016
DOI: 10.3233/JAD-151165
  Alterations in Phase-Related Prefrontal Activation During Cognitive Tasks and Nicotinic α4β2 Receptor Availability in Alzheimer‘s Disease
Oboshi Yumia, Kikuchi Mitsurub, Terada Tatsuhiroa,c, Yoshikawa Etsujid, Bunai Tomoyasua,
Ouchi Yasuomia
a: Department of Biofunctional Imaging, Preeminent Medical Photonics Education & Research Center, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan.
b: Research Center for Child Mental Development, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan.
c: Department of Neurology, Shizuoka Institute of Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders, Shizuoka, Japan.
d: Central Research Laboratory, Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Hamamatsu, Japan.
April 27, 2016 The 55th Japanese Society for Medical and Bilogical Engineering
  2SY2-1-2 fNIRS for differential diagnosis of the depressive state
Mitsuo Ohashi
Spectratech Inc.
April 22, 2016 Rigakuryoho Kagaku 31(5): 651–654, 2016. Submitted Mar. 9, 2016.
  Muscle Oxygen Dynamics after Exercise Determined by Near-infrared Spectroscopy: Examination of the Difference between the Dominant and Non-dominant Legs
1: Department of Rehabilitation, Fukuoka Torikai Hospital
2: Department of Rehabilitation, Fukuoka City Hospital
3: Department of Physical Therapy, Yanagawa Rehabilitation School
4: Saga University Graduate School of Medical Science
5: Department of Physical Therapy, International University of Health and Welfare
March 29, 2016 Front Aging Neurosci. 2016; 8: 59. Published online 2016 Mar 29.
doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2016.00059
  Altered Frontal Lateralization Underlies the Category Fluency Deficits in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study
Michael K. Yeung1, Sophia L. Sze1,2, Jean Woo3, Timothy Kwok4, David H. K. Shum5,
Ruby Yu3 and Agnes S. Chan1,2,*
1: Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China
2: Chanwuyi Research Center for Neuropsychological Well-Being, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China
3: Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China
4: School of Public Health, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China
5: Menzies Health Institute Queensland and School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
March 28, 2016 Brain and Cognition Volume 105, June 2016, Pages 9-21 doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2016.03.003
  Nonverbal auditory working memory: Can music indicate the capacity?
Eunju Jeong and 、Hokyoung Ryu
Department of Arts and Technology, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
March 27, 2016 international journal of stomatology & occlusion medicine 
DOI: 10.1007/s12548-015-0122-x
  Influence of restoration adjustments on prefrontal blood flow
A simplified NIRS preliminary study
Kenichi Sasaguri1, Takero Otsuka1, Hiroyuki Tsunashima2, Tateshi Shimazaki1, Kin-Ya Kubo3,
Minoru Onozuka4
1: Division of Orthodontics, Department of Oral Science Kanagawa Dental University Graduate School.
2: Division of Brain functions and Neuroscience, Department of Oral Science Kanagawa Dental University Graduate School.
3: Seijoh University Graduate School of Health Care Studies.
4: Department of Medical Science Nippon Sport Science University.
March 15, 2016 Open Journal of Pediatrics Vol.6 No.1, March 2016
DOI: 10.4236/ojped.2016.61015
  Behavioral and Neural Enhancing Effects of a Summer Treatment Program in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Akira Yasumura1,2*, Kotaro Yuge3, Chiyomi Egami4, Chizuru Anai5, Akiko Mukasa5,
Yushiro Yamashita3,5, Masumi Inagaki1
1: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan.
2: Department of Neuropsychiatry, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.
3: Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan.
4: Faculty of Nursing, Fukuoka Prefectural University, Fukuoka, Japan.
5: NPO Kurume summer treatment program, Fukuoka, Japan.
November 6, 2015 The 45th Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
  S14-1 Developmental changes in cognitive function in ADHD children using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
Akira Yasumura1,2
1: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
2: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan,
October,2015 Biomedical Optics Express
  Removal of motion artifacts originating from optode fluctuations during functional nearinfrared spectroscopy measurements
Toru Yamada1, Mitsuo Ohashi2, Shinji Umeyama1
1:Human Informatics Research Institute, AIST
2:Spectratech Inc.
October 27, 2015 SPIE Biophotonics Japan
  Real-time system for extracting and monitoring cerebral functional component during fNIRS measurement.
Toru Yamada1, Mitsuo Ohashi2, Shinji Umeyama1
1:Human Informatics Research Institute, AIST
2:Spectratech Inc.
September 23, 2015 The 79th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association
  The relationship between activation of prefrontal cortex and depression symptoms of psychiatric outpatients (3) :
A preliminary study using NIRS
Takayuki IWAYAMA1 and Miki MATSUNAGA2
1: Graduate School of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo Univ.,
2: Department of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo Univ.
September 2, 2015 ESAO 2015
  34-Channel Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Detect Human Cerebral Aerobic and Perfusion Abnormality
Kawaguchi AT1, Kawaguchi F1,2, Kurita D3, Murayama C1, Ohashi M2, Onuki Y1, Takizawa S1, Haida M4
Tokai University School of Medicine1, Spectratech Inc2, Tokai University IT Education Center3,
Tokai University Junior College of Nursing and Medical Technology4 from Isehara1, Yokohama2, Hiratsuka3,4, Japan
August 29, 2015 The 17th Medical image perception Study Group
  Image interpretation and fatigue during the functional nearinfrared spectroscopy(fNIRS) measurement.
Mitsuo Ohashi1, Takashi Nihashi2, Takeo Ishigaki3
1:Spectratech Inc.
2:Department of Radiology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
3:Department of Radiology, Nagoya Jhohoku Radiology Clinic
July 25, 2015 The 18th Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society
  P1-4 Pre-task Activation of Prefrontal Region during Visual Work Memory Task in Normal Older Adults
Yumi Oboshi1,2, Mitsuru Kikuchi3, Masayoshi Kawai2, and Yasuomi Ouchi1
1: Department of Biofunctional Imaging, Medical Photonics Research Center, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
2: Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Tokoha University
3: Research Center for Child Mental Development, Kanazawa University
July 25, 2015 The 18th Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society
  P2-2 Study of Detection Method for Change in Blood Volume in Brain Function Measurements using NIRS
Akira Ikeda, and Keiko Fukuda
Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology
July 25, 2015 The 18th Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society
  P2-7 Relation between Characteristics of Readout of Infant Emotion and Change in Cerebral Blood Flow in Prefrontal Region
Masako Matsuzawa
Department of Psychology , Showa Women University
July 25, 2015 The 18th Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society
  P2-13 Study of Brain Functions involved with Memory Systemization in Schizophrenics
Daisuke Ochi1, Mie Matsui1, Yoshio Takahashi1, Sadao Otsuka1, Takatoshi Hoshino1,
Masahide Ishii1, Taiki Sasabayashi2, Yuko Higuchi2, Tsutomu Takahashi2, and Michio Suzuki2
1: Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama
2: Neuropsychiatry Course, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama
July 2, 2015 The 17th Japan Human brain Mapping Society
  Attempt of real-time extraction and monitoring of brain function signal
Toru Yamada1, Mitsuo Ohashi2, Shinji Umeyama1
1:Human Informatics Research Institute, AIST
2:Spectratech Inc.
June ,2015 Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine (Tokyo) Vol.55 No.6, 2015 .P730
  The effects of putting feeling into words in prefrontal cortex.
Yuriko Matsunaga1, Chikako Okumura2, Itsuko Kimura2, Yoshinori Tanaka3
1:Sugahara hospital
2:Kumamoto Health Science Univ.
3:St-Mary, s Hosp.
June 30,2015 Front. Psychol., 30 June 2015. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00894
  Teaching others rule-use improves executive function and prefrontal activations in young children.
Yusuke Moriguchi1,2, Yoko Sakata3, Mikako Ishibashi1 and Yusuke Ishikawa3
1:Department of School Education, Joetsu University of Education, Joetsu, Japan
2:Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi, Japan
3:Department of Psychology, Aichi Shukutoku University, Nagakute, Japan
May 29,2015 Asian Journal of Neuroscience, 2015, Article ID 189060. doi:10.1155/2015/189060
  Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Activation during a Time Production Task: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.
Asato Morita1, Yasunori Morishima2, and DavidW. Rackham2
1: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, International Christian University, Tokyo 181-8585, Japan
2: Department of Psychology, International Christian University, Tokyo 181-8585, Japan
May 7, 2015 The 54th Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
  Removal of artifact caused by instability in optode-setting during the functional nearinfrared spectroscopy(fNIRS) measurement.
Toru Yamada1, Mitsuo Ohashi2, Shinji Umeyama1
1:Human Informatics Research Institute, AIST
2:Spectratech Inc.
May 4, 2015 Science and Education Publishing   DOI:10.12691/rpbs-3-2-3
  Near Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Brain Activity during Cognitive Conflicts on Facial Expressions
Munehide Nakagawa, Mie Matsui, Masatoshi Katagiri, Takatoshi Hoshino.
Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Japan.
April 30, 2015 Asian Journal of Neuroscience Volume 2015, Article ID 189060, 9 pages
  Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Activation during a Time Production Task: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study
Asato Morita1, Yasunori Morishima2 and David W. Rackham2
1:Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, International Christian University, Tokyo 181-8585, Japan
2:Department of Psychology, International Christian University, Tokyo 181-8585, Japan
December 31,2014 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (2014) 8:273
DOI 10.1186/s13034-014-0032-5
  Effects of methylphenidate in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:
a near-infrared spectroscopy study with CANTAB®
Naomi Matsuura1*, Makoto Ishitobi2,5, Sumiyoshi Arai3,6, Kaori Kawamura4, Mizuki Asano2,3,
Keisuke Inohara2,7, Tohru Fujioka4, Tadamasa Narimoto1, Yuji Wada2,3, Michio Hiratani4 and
Hirotaka Kosaka2,3,6
1: Tokyo University of Social Welfare, Japan.
2: Department of Neuropsychiatry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, Japan.
3: Research Center for Child Mental Development, University of Fukui, Japan.
4: Hiratani Pediatric Clinic, Fukui, Japan.
5: Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan.
6: Developmental Emotional Intelligence, Division of Developmental Higher Brain Functions, Department of Child Development United Graduate School of Child Development, Japan.
7: Department of Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics and Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Japan.
November 18, 2014 ROBOMECH Journal
  Assessment of local muscle fatigue by NIRS - development and evaluation of muscle suit -
Yoshiki Muramatsu, Hiroshi Kobayashi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan
October 30,2014 Journal of Psychiatry Volume 18 • Issue 1 • Psychiatry-14-136
  Cognitive Shifting in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Near Infrared Spectroscopy Study
Akira Yasumura1*, Hisako Yamamoto1, Yukiko Yasumura2, Yusuke Moriguchi3,
Kazuo Hiraki4, Eiji Nakagawa5 and Masumi Inagaki1
1: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Japan.
2: Department of Children, Saitama Jyunshin College, Japan.
3: Department of School Education, Joetsu University of Education, Japan.
4: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
5: Department of Child Neurology, NCNP Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.
October 10,2014 Rigakuryoho Kagaku 30(1): 63–68, 2015. Submitted Aug. 20, 2014
  Pain-relief Effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS):
Changes in Physiological Responses and TENS Stimulus Intensity
1: Department of Rehabilitation, Kuroishi General Hospital
2: Department of Health Promotion, Division of Health Sciences, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
3: Department of Physical Therapy, Hirosaki University School of Health Sciences
4: Department of Physical Therapy, Division of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Sciences, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
5: Department of Rehabilitation, Hirosaki Memorial Hospital
6: Department of Rehabilitation, Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita
October 9,2014 1st World Congress on Facial Expression of Emotion
  Cognitive Rehabilitation for Facial Expression Recognition Deficits in a Patient with Prefrontal
Lesions: A NIRS Study.
Mitsuyo Shibasaki1, Hiroshi Yoshida2
1: Meisei University
2: Hijiyama University
September ,2014 IJEIT Volume 4, Issue 3, September 2014y
  Possibility for Predicting the Evaluation of Product Price in the Prefrontal Cortex : A NIRS Study
Tadanobu Misawa, Tetsuya Shimokawa, Shigeki Hirobayashi
September 26,2014 17th World Congress of Psychophysiology
  Decision-making in individuals with intellectual disabilities revealed by near infrared spectroscopy
Hiroaki Shoji, Ayano Mizokoshi, Taichi Hirayama, & Hisaki Ozaki
Ibaraki University
September 19,2014 41st Annual ESAO Congress
  Liposome-Encapsulated Hemoglobin (LEH) Improves Tumor Oxygenation as Detected by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) in Colon Carcinoma in Mice
Fumio Kawaguchi1, Akira T. Kawaguchi1, Akemi Kamijo1, Munetaka Haida2, Daisaku Kurita1,
Chieko Murayama1
1: Tokai University School of Medicine
2: Tokai University Junior College of Nursing and Medical Technology
July 18,2014 Rigakuryoho Kagaku 29(6): 945–948, 2014. Submitted Jun. 23, 2014
  Transcutaneous Xenon Light Irradiation of Skeletal Muscle Increases Skeletal Muscle Blood Flow
1: Department of Health Promotion, Division of Health Sciences, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
2: Department of Rehabilitation, Hakodate Central General Hospitalb
3: Department of Rehabilitation, Hirosaki Memorial Hospital
4: Department of Rehabilitation, Hirosaki Stroke and Rehabilitation Center
5: Department of Rehabilitation, Aomori Kyoritsu Hospital
6: Department of Rehabilitation, Aomori Jikeikai Hospital
7: Department of Rehabilitation, Kuroishi General Hospital
8: Department of Development and Aging, Division of Health Sciences, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
June 16, 2014 Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 2014, 4, 247-255
  An fNIRS-Based Study on Prefrontal Cortex Activity during a Virtual Shopping Test with Different Task Difficulties in Brain-Damaged Patients
Sayaka Okahashi1,2*, Hokuto Mizumoto2, Akiko Komae3, Katsuhiro Ueno3, Masato Yokoyama4,
Akinori Nagano5, Keiko Seki6, Toshiko Futaki1, Zhiwei Luo2
1: Division of Occupational Therapy, Department of Human Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
2: Department of Computational Science, Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
3: Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Nishi Memorial Port Island Rehabilitation Hospital, Kobe, Japan.
4: Department of Neurology, Nishi Memorial Port Island Rehabilitation Hospital, Kobe, Japan.
5: Faculty of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan.
6: Department of Rehabilitation Science, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
June 4, 2014 PLOS ONE   DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098779
  Pre-Task Prefrontal Activation during Cognitive Processes in Aging: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study
Yumi Oboshi1,2, Mitsuru Kikuchi3 , Yoshiyuki Shimizu1,4, Yuko Yoshimura3, Hirotoshi Hiraishi3,
Hiroyuki Okada1,4, Yasuhiro Magata5, Yasuomi Ouchi1*
1: Department of Biofunctional Imaging, Medical Photonics Research Center, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan,
2: Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Tokoha University, Hamamatsu, Japan.
3: Research Center for Child Mental Development, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan.
4: Central Research Laboratory, Hamamatsu Photonics KK, Hamamatsu, Japan.
5: Department of Molecular Imaging, Medical Photonics Research Center, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan.
June 1,2014 Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals
Volume 27, Number 2, June 2014, pp. 165-172(8)
  Acoustic Signals of a Dog and Cat Induce Hemodynamic Responses within the Human Brain
Miyaji, Kazuki; Kobayashi, Ai; Maruko, Teppei; Ohtani, Nobuyo; Ohta, Mitsuaki
March 9, 2014 ISRN Neuroscience Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 734952, 5 pages
  Relationship between Neural Activity and Executive Function: An NIRS Study
Akira Yasumura1,2, Masumi Inagaki1, and Kazuo Hiraki2
1: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan,
2: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
March 6, 2014 Life Support Vol.26 N0.3 2014
  Effect of Sequence Pattern Regarding Singing and Listening Music on the Activation of Cerebral Function
Katsutoshi Tadokoro and Keisuke Suzuki
Kagawa University
February 13,2014 International Neuropsychological Society 42nd Annual Meeting
  Brain activity in cognitive conflict using face expression stimuli:
A study of near-infrared spectroscopy.
Matsui M1, Nakagawa M, Katagiri M, Hoshino T
1: University of TOYAMA, Graduate School of Medicine.
February 10, 2014 Frontiers in HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00046
  Negative emotion modulates prefrontal cortex activity during a working memory task: a NIRS study
Sachiyo Ozawa*, Goh Matsuda, and Kazuo Hiraki*
Graduate School of Arts and Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
February 1, 2014 SPIE Photonics West 2014
  Development of a fiber-less fNIRS system and its application to hair-covered head
Toru Yamada1, Mitsuo Ohashi2, Shinji Umeyama1
1: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan)
2: Spectratech Inc. (Japan)
February, 2014 Brain and Development    Volume 36, Issue 2, February 2014, Pages 97–106
  DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2013.01.005
Neurobehavioral and hemodynamic evaluation of Stroop and reverse Stroop interference in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Akira Yasumuraa, b, Naomi Kokuboa, Hisako Yamamotoa, Yukiko Yasumurac, Eiji Nakagawad,
Makiko Kagaa, Kazuo Hirakib, Masumi Inagakia
a: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
b: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
c: Department of Children, Saitama Jyunshin College, Saitama, Japan
d: Department of Child Neurology, NCNP Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
January 21,2014 Frontiers in Humman Neuroscience.2014;8:46.
  doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00046
Negative emotion modulates prefrontal cortex activity during a working memory task: a NIRS study
Sachiyo Ozawa,* Goh Matsuda, and Kazuo Hiraki*
*: Graduate School of Arts and Science, The University of Tokyo
January 16,2014 ISRN Neuroscience    Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 734952, 5 pages
  Relationship between Neural Activity and Executive Function: An NIRS Study
Akira Yasumura1,2, Masumi Inagaki1 and Kazuo Hiraki2
1: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, 4-1-1 Ogawahigashi, Kodaira, Tokyo
2: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
January 8,2014 BioMed Research International Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 910812, 9 pages
  Facial Vibrotactile Stimulation Activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System: Study of Salivary Secretion,
Heart Rate, Pupillary Reflex, and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Activity
Hisao Hiraba1, Motoharu Inoue1, Kanako Gora1, Takako Sato2, Satoshi Nishimura2,
Masaru Yamaoka3,Ayano Kumakura1, Shinya Ono1, Hirotugu Wakasa1, Enri Nakayama1,
Kimiko Abe1, and Koichiro Ueda1
1: Department of Dysphasia Rehabilitation, Nihon University of Dentistry, 1-8-13 Kanda-surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8310, Japan
2: Department of 1st Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nihon University of Dentistry, 1-8-13 Kanda-surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8310, Japan
3: 3Department of Physics, Nihon University of Dentistry, 1-8-13 Kanda-surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8310, Japan
2014 Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy   Volume 22 Issue 4, Pages 271–277 (2014)
doi: 10.1255/jnirs.1124
  Relative evaluation of comfort level associated with light-emitting diode lighting based on near infrared spectroscopy
Tomoya Handaa, Nobuyuki Shojia and Kimiya Shimizub
a: Department of Rehabilitation, Orthoptics and visual Science Course, School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato University, Japan.
b: Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Kitasato University, Japan.
  Psychological study on susokukan
―Investigation by expired gas analysis and NIRS―
Masahide Tanaka, Tadashi Chihara
Department of Psychology, Komazawa University, Japan
December 24,2013 Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science
  Vol.3 No.8(2013), Article ID:41385,7 pages DOI:10.4236/jbbs.2013.38065
An fNIRS Research on Prefrontal Cortex Activity Response to Pleasant Taste
Chenghong Hu1, Yoshiko Kato2, Zhiwei Luo1
1: Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
2: Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
December 18,2013 Food and Nutrition Sciences Vol.5 No.2(2014), Article ID:42189,9 pages
Activation of Human Prefrontal Cortex to Pleasant and Aversive Taste
Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Chenghong Hu1, Yoshiko Kato2, Zhiwei Luo1
1: Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan;
2: Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan.
December 15,2013 System Integration (SII), 2013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium
  An fNIRS study of taste cortical areas in human brain: Sweetness and sourness
Chenghong Hu ; Grad. Sch. of Syst. Inf., Kobe Univ., Kobe, Japan ; Kato, Y. ; Zhiwei Luo
December 3,2013 Sensing Technology (ICST), 2013 Seventh International Conference
  Assessment of local muscle fatigue by NIRS
Muramatsu, Y. ; Dept. of Mech. Eng., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., Tokyo, Japan ; Kobayashi, H.
November 10,2013 The 14th Japanese Association for The Study of Guidance and Counseling
  Brain training schoolroom 2 for children with developmental disorders.
Shigehiro Nemoto
Nemoto Co.,Ltd.
November 3,2013 Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
  Brain machine interface using portable Near-InfraRed spectroscopy —
Improvement of classification performance based on ICA analysis and self-proliferating LVQ
Ito, T. , Akiyama, H , Hirano, To
Dept. of Mech. Eng., Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu, Japan
October 1,2013 Child Psychiatry & Human Development    October 2013, Volume 44, Issue 5, pp 678-688
  DOI: 10.1007/s10578-013-0361-2
Increased Prefrontal Oxygenation Related to Distractor-Resistant Working Memory in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Satoshi Tsujimoto1, Akira Yasumura2,3, Yushiro Yamashita4, Miyuki Torii5, Makiko Kaga2,
Masumi Inagaki2
1: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, 3-11 Tsurukabuto, Nada-Ku, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan
2: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan
3: Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
4: Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume, Japan
5: Division of Psychological Development, Graduate School of Human Development and Environment, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
September 28,2013 The 4th International Symposium on Artficial Oxygen Carriers
  [2]Liposome-Encapsulated Hemoglobin Improves Tumor Oxygenation As Detected by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy(NIRS) in Colon Carcinoma in Mice.
Fumio Kawaguchi, Akira T Kawaguchi, Akemi Kamijo, Munetaka Haida, Daisuke Kurita
Tokai University School of Medicine, Kanagawa, Japan
August 15,2013 Aging - Clinical and Experimental Research · August 2013
DOI 10.1007/s40520-013-0119-5
  Brain activation during dual-task walking and executive function among older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a fNIRS study.
Takehiko Doi, Hyuma Makizako, Hiroyuki Shimada, Hyuntae Park, Kota Tsutsumimoto,
Kazuki Uemura, Takao Suzuki
National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan.
July 20, 2013 The 16th Seminar of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society
  Pulse wave analysis of fNIRS raw data using ICA
Tetsushi Oyama1, and Fumio Kawaguchi2
1: BR Systems, Inc.
2: Spectratech, Inc.
July 20, 2013 The 16th Seminar of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society
  Brain activity record in playing Japanese archery using NIRS or EEG
Takeru Otsuka1, Misako Nakura2, and Tetsu Okumura1, 2
1: Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology, Graduate School, Research of Science and Technology
2: Faculty of Comprehensive Informatics, Department of Human-Computer Interface Design
July 20, 2013 The 16th Seminar of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society
  Effect of color and smell on brain activation
Kenichi Kashikura, Asuka Kurihara, Yuka Kimura, Risa Kanayama, and Mayumi Hibino
Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences, Department of Radiological Technology
July 20, 2013 The 16th Seminar of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society
  Features of prefrontal cortex activity in cognitive competition of emotional stimulation
--- Examination by near-infrared spectroscopy
Masatoshi Katagiri, Munehide Nakagawa, Takatoshi Hoshino, and Mie Matsui
The University of Toyama, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences for Research, Psychology Course
July 19, 2013 The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics    Vol. 49 (2013) No. Supplement p. S508-S511
  1G-23 Adaptive Assisting Effect of DAS for Elderly Drivers
Seunghee Hong1, Takafumi Asao2, Byungchan Min3, Keisuke Suzuki1, Shun'ichi Doi1
1: Department of Intelligent Mechanical Systems Engineering s, Kagawa University, tacamasctu, Japan
2: Department of Faculty of Engineering Science, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan
3: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management System, Hanbat National University, Daejeon, Korea
July 11,2013 Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society,Volume 19 Supplement S2, 62, 2013.
  The Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation of Response Inhibition Deficits in a Patient with Chronic Prefrontal Lesions: A NIRS Study.
Mitsuyo Shibasaki, Azusa Takashita
Meisei University
May 24, 2013 ROBOMEC2013 in TSUKUBA
  1P1-B04 Design of Brain Machine Interface using potable Near-InfraRed Spectroscopy system
-Effect of additional learning based on automatic growth of node-
Tomotaka ITO, Hideki AKIYAMA ,Tokihisa HIRANO
Shizuoko University
May 23, 2013 Japan Ergonomics Society Vol.49 No.3('13)
  Effects of the Media Type of Manuals on the Learning of Sequential Tasks:
Focusing on the Difference between Printed and Electronic Manuals and between Illustrated and Animated Manuals
1: Keio University, Faculty of Science & Technology
2: Keio University, Graduate School of Science & Technology
May 10, 2013 Rigakuryoho Kagaku 28(5): 653–656, 2013.
  Effects on Cerebral Activation of Electrical Stimulation Delivered to the Posterior Neck during a Sitting Balance Task
1: Department of Rehabilitation, Medical Corporation Cotton Rose Society Murakami Hospital
2: Department of Health Promotion, Division of Health Sciences, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Health Sciences
3: Department of rehabilitation, Medical Corporation Kouseikai Specified Day Care Service Center
March 2013 Bulletin of BUNKYO UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Education 46 pp.201 - 213, ISSN:0388214
  Prefrontal Blood Flow Alteration in Verbal Fluency Task Using Secondary Language
Naoko NARITA1, Ryosuke HOSAKA2, Masato SAIKI3, Hiroki HIGUCHI4, Mami TAZOE5,
Masaaki NARITA6, and Makiko HIRAKAWA7
1: BUNKYO UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Education
2: Saitama Pref. Tokigawa town hall
3: JOETSU UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, Graduate school of education
4: University of Tsukuba, Graduate Schools of Comprehensive Human Sciences Kansei, Behavioral and Brain Sciences
5: JAPAN LUTHERAN COLLEGE & SEMINARY, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies Department of Clinical Psychology
6: MIE UNIVERSITY, Graduate School of Medicine
7: BUNKYO UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Language and Literature, The Department of English Language and Literature
March 31, 2013 Tokai J.Sports Med.Sci. No25, 79-87, 2013
  A Trial of Simultaneous measurements using Multichannel NIRS for Frontal area and Pulse oximetry for Forehead during Acute Hypoxic exercise
Daisuke KURITA1, Tamotsu TERAO2, Shunya TAKIZAWA3, Tomoko KUTSUZAWA4,
Munetaka HAIDA5, Shin YAGIHARA6 and Hayashi MOROZUMI7
1: Information Education Center of Tokai University
2: Institute of Sports Medicine of Tokai University
3: Tokai University, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology
4: Tokai University, School of Health Science, Department of Nursing
5: Tokai University Junior College of Nursing and Technology.
6: Tokai University, School of Science, Department of Physics
7: Tokai University, School of Physical Education, Department of Competitive Sports
January 2013 Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Volume 56, Issue 1, January–February 2013, Pages 118–123
  Relationship between going outdoors daily and activation of the prefrontal cortex during verbal fluency tasks (VFTs) among older adults: A near-infrared spectroscopy study
Hyuma Makizakoa, b, Takehiko Doia, Hiroyuki Shimadaa, Hyuntae Parkc, Kazuki Uemuraa, b, Daisuke Yoshidaa, Kota Tsutsumimotoa, Yuya Anana, Takao Suzukid
a: Section for Health Promotion, Department for Research and Development to Support Independent Life of Elderly, Center for Gerontology and Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 35 Gengo, Morioka-machi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan
b: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Sumitomo-Ichibancho FS Bldg., 8 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8472, Japan
c: Section for Physical Functioning Activation, Department of Functioning Activation, Center for Gerontology and Social Science, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 35 Gengo, Morioka-machi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan
d: Research Institute, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 35 Gengo, Morioka-machi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan
December, 2012 Tohoku University Graduate School of Education, Faculty of Education Library
  Social Skills Training for Children with Autisum Spectrum Disoders:
Developong Objective Assessments using Brain Function Measurement
Yosuke KITA1,2,3, Atsuko GUNJI2, Takaaki GOTO4, Masumi INAGAKI2, Toru HOSOKAWA5
1: Post Doctoral Researcher, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University
2: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry(NCNP)
3: Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
4: Faculty of Education, Tokoha Gakuen University
5: Professor, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University
December 8, 2012 The 6th Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance
  Consideration of sunk cost effect by mental accounting – Effect exerted by endowment effect
Hiromi Fujimori
Aoyama Gakuin University
December 6, 2012 The 19th International Display Workshops in conjunction with Asia Display 2012
  3Dp-7 A Study of Visual Fatigue When Viewing 3D Images with Pseudoscopic Vision
Informatics Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
Tokyo Denki University, Saitama, Japan
November, 2012 NeuroImage    Volume 63, Issue 2, 1 November 2012, Pages 921–935
  DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.03.049
A brief review on the history of human functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)
development and fields of application
Marco Ferrari
Department of Health Sciences, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy
November 24, 2012 Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (SCIS) and 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS), 2012 Joint 6th International Conference on
  Development of an adaptive cognitive training method using Near-InfraRed spectroscopy
Murase, Y. ; Dept. of Comput. Sci., Kobe Univ., Kobe, Japan ; Nagai, S. ; Nagano, A. ; Zhi-Wei Luo
November 8, 2012 The 42nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of clinical neurophysiology / The 23rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Child Neurology
  SS1-1: Elucidation of neural basis related to set-shifting of autism spectrum disorder children
Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
November 2, 2012 The 1st. Asian Congress on ADHD
  P_039 Decreased prefrontal activation related to Reverse-stroop interference in ADHD
Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
October 28, 2012 fNIRS conference
  Development of multichannel fNIRS system with transcranial pulse oximetry function using CDMA technique
Fumio Kawaguchi , Mitsuo Ohashi
Spectratech Inc. Tokyo, Japan
October 1, 2012 IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines Vol.132(2012) No.10 P328-336
  A Study on Assisting System for Inputting Character using NIRS by the Stimulus Presentation Method of Bit Form
Kaori Goto1, Tadanobu Misawa1, Tetsuya Shimokawa2, Shigeki Hirobayashi1
1: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama
2: The School of Management, Tokyo University of Science
October 1, 2012 IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines Vol.132(2012) No.10 P348-354
  A Study on Distinction of Unfamiliar Information using NIRS
Tadanobu Misawa1, Kaori Goto1, Tetsuya Shimokawa2, Shigeki Hirobayashi1
1: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama
2: The School of Management, Tokyo University of Science
October 1-8, 2012 Electronics and Communications in Japan   DOI: 10.1002/ecj.11426
  A brain–computer interface for motor assist by the prefrontal cortex
Tadanobu Misawa1, Shinya Takano1, Tetsuya Shimokawa2, Shigeki Hirobayashi1
1: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama
2: The School of Management, Tokyo University of Science
September 29, 2012 The 17th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Cognitive Neuroscience
  I-07 Elucidation of neural basis related to interference suppression of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder children
Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
September 21, 2012 The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
  P4-l20 The physical and psychological effect of touching cats: measuring brain blood flow by using the functional near infrared spectroscopy
Teppei Maruko, Ai Kobayashi, Nobuyo Ohtani, Mitsuaki Ohta
Department of Animal Science and Biotechnology, Azabu University, Kanagawa, Japan
September 18, 2012 The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
  P1-h08 Emotion and time in psychological tasks
Makoto Yoshida , Yoshihiro Miyake
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan
August 11,2012 The 47th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for the Study of Developmental Disabilities
  Self-face recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders: A near-infrared spectroscopy study
Yosuke Kita, Yuki Inoue ,Atsuko Gunji , Kotoe Sakihara , Masumi Inagaki
Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
August 1, 2012 The Kitakanto medical journal. 2012, 62(3), p.271-276   ISSN:1343-2826
  Preferred Pace Tapping Activates the Frontal Lobe
Shimoda Kaori1, Katsuyama Shiori1, Lee Bunsuk1, Kamegaya Tadahiko1,Kururi Nana1, Ando Narumi1, Iwai Tomohiro1, Hirano Daisuke2, Tozato Fusae1
1: Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences, 3-39-22 Showa-machi, Maebashi,Gunma 371-8514,Japan
2: Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences,International University of Health and Welfare,1-2-25Shiroyama,Odawara,Kanagawa 250-8588, Japan
July 28, 2012 The 15th Annual Meeting of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society (JOFBIS)
  P14 Functional Relationship between Prefrontal Cortex Activity during Time Production Tasks and Working Memory Performance: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study
Department of Psychology
The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan
July 27,2012 The 9th Congress of the Japanese Society of Mood Disorders
  P6-5 Preliminary study about benefits of brain function measurement by NIRS on industrial mental investigation
Takayuki Iwayama 1,Yui Isobe 2, Megumi Narita 3, Yasutaka Nabeta 4
1: College of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University Majored in Clinical Psychology Later Doctor Course
2: College of Contemporary Psychology, Rikkyo University Majored in Clinical Psychology Later Doctor Course
3: Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University, Clinical Psychology Domain Research Master's Program
4: Rikkyo University, Department of Psychology
July 11,2012 International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) 2012 Conference
  Analysis of the animal effects on human functions with the functional near infrared spectroscopy
Nobuyo Ohtani, Ai Kobayashi, YenPo Lin, Teppei Maruko, Eriko Nagata, Masafumi Takeno, Kasumi Kaname, Mitsuaki Ohta
Azabu University School of Veterinary Medicine
July 5,2012 The 14th Congress of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society
  P1A-9 Examination of difference in prefrontal cortex activities between young subject and old subject during visual stimulation using SPM
Yumi Oboshi
Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Biofunctional Imaging
Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Molecular Pathogenesis Imaging
July 5,2012 The 14th Congress of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society
  P1B-10 Relation between cerebral blood flow of frontal lobe and personality during tapping stimulation
― Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) ―
Kaori Shimoda
Gunma University Faculty of Medicine School of Health Sciences
Gunma University Hospital Rehabilitation Services Administration
July 5,2012 The 14th Congress of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society
  P2B-12 ”Brain Training Class” of developmental disorder child
Mikihiro Nemoto
Nemoto Co., Ltd.
July 1-4, 2012 Complex Medical Engineering (CME), 2012 ICME International Conference
  Conference Publications Page(s): 339-342
The influence of the wearing restorations adjustment on blood flow in the prefrontal area
Shimazaki, T. ; Otsuka, T. ; Sasaguri, K. ; Sato, S.
Dept. of Craniofacial Growth & Dev. Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental Coll., Yokosuka, Japan
July 1-4, 2012 Complex Medical Engineering (CME), 2012 ICME International Conference
  Conference Publications Page(s):382-387
Seunghee Hong ; Onoue, K. ; Suzuki, K. ; Doi, S.-I
Dept. of Intell. Mech. Syst. Eng., Univ. of Kagawa, Kagawa, Japan
June 12,2012 The 26th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2012
  Consideration about the tendency of prefrontal cortex activation during evaluation of product price: A NIRS study
Yurie Mitsuda1, Kaori Goto1, Tadanobu Misawa2, Tetsuya Shimokawa3, Shigeki Hirobayashi2
1 Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Education, University of Toyama
2 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama
3 The School of Management, Tokyo University of Science
May 29,2012 ROBOMEC2012 in HAMAMATSU
  2A1-M07 Design of Brain Machine Interface using potable Near-InfraRed Spectroscopy system
Tomotaka ITO, ○ Hideki AKIYAMA, Yoshihiro MITSUI and Tokihisa HIRANO
Shizuoko University
May 29,2012 ROBOMEC2012 in HAMAMATSU
  2P1-A03 Development and Evaluation of a Muscle Suit to Assist Manual Labor
-Assessment of Local Muscle Fatigue by NIRS-
Yoshiki MURAMATSU, Hirofumi SUGA, Hideyuki UMEHARA, Yutaka SATO,
Tokyo University of Science
March, 2012 A Neuroeconomic Study of Risk Perceptions and Empathy in Food Crisis:
  Masaki Nakagome
Aoyama Gakuin University
March, 2012 Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences ,Departmental Bulletin Paper
  Brain Activation Related to Work Efficiency While Listening to Background Music
Arai Yoshihiko, Kashikura Kenichi
Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences
March 14, 2012 17th Robotics Symposia
  3A3 Design of Brain-machine Interface Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy
- Study on Learning Condition for Improvement of Classification
Performance and Classification Experiments with Portable NIRS Device -
T.Ito1, Y.Mitsui1, T.Hirano1, H.Akiyama2, S.Ohgi3, C.Mizuike3
1: Shizuoka Univ. 2: Osaka Univ. 3: Seirei Christopher Univ.
March 14, 2012 17th Robotics Symposia
  4B2 Development and Evaluation of a Muscle Suit for Supporting Manual Worker
- Evaluation of Partial Muscle fatigue using Near-infrared Spectroscopy -
Y. Muramatsu, H. Kobayashi, H. Jiaov, Y. Sato, H. Suga, H. Umehara T. Hashimoto,
H. Kobayashi
Tokyo Univ. of Science
December 7-11, 2011 Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2011 IEEE International Conference
  Conference Publications Page(s): 293-298
Quantitative performance analysis of muscle suit — Estimation by Oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin
Muramatsu, Y. ; Kobayashi, H. ; Sato, Y. ; He Jiaou ; Hashimoto, T. ; Kobayashi, H.
Tokyo University of Science
December 1, 2011 IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines Vol. 131 (2011) No. 12 P 2131-2137
  BCI that assists motor functions on the basis of brain activity in the prefrontal cortex.
Tadanobu Misawa1, Shinya Takano1, Tetsuya Shimokawa2, Shigeki Hirobayashi1
1: Graduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama
2: The School of Management, Tokyo University of Science
October 22, 2011 The 18th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Medical Near Infrared Spectroscopy
  The trial of the Sensor with high SNR that aims at the cerebral pulse wave measurement by fNIRS
Mitsuo Ohashi, Fumio Kawaguchi
Spectratech Inc.
October 2011 Psychiatric Disorders - Worldwide Advances(Editor; Toru Uehara) pp69-84,
Publisher; InTech, Croatia October, 2011 ISBN 978-953-307-833-5, Hard cover, 336 pages
  Dissociative tendency, anger expression and frontal activation during verbal fluency task
Toru Uehara1, Yoko Ishige2, Masashi Suda2
1: General Health Support Centre, Gunma University,Japan
2: Department of Neuropsychiatry, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine,Japan
September 23, 2011 The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society
  P1-15 Relationship between neural activity during working memory task and reading comprehension skill:A NIRS study
Akira Yasumura, Goh Matsuda, Kazuo Hiraki
University of Tokyo
September 14, 2011 The 34thAnnual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
  S2-G-2-1 Weak central coherence and executive dysfunction in children with autism spectrum disorder
Miyuki Torii
Grad. Sch. of Human Development and Environment Kobe Univ., Kobe, Japan
September 14, 2011 The 34thAnnual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society
  P4-o03 Differences in visual working memory task-induced cerebral blood flow responses in the frontal region between cognitively normal young and old subjects
Yumi Oboshi1,2 , Mitsuru Kikuchi3 , Shunsuke Yagi1,2 , Etsuji Yoshikawa4 ,
Yasuhiro Magata2 , Yasuomi Ouchi1
1: Molecular Imaging FRC, Hamamatsu Univ.Med., Hamamatsu, Japan
2: Photon MRC, Hamamatsu Univ. Med.
3: Psychiatry, Kanazawa Univ.
4: Hamamatsu Photonics KK
September 2011 Neuroscience Research, 71, e379
  Differences in visual working memory task-induced cerebral blood flow responses in the frontal region between cognitively normal young and old subjects..
Yumi Oboshi1,2 , Mitsuru Kikuchi3, Shunsuke Yagi1,2, Etsuji Yoshikawa4, Yasuhiro Magata2, Yasuomi Ouchi1
1: Molecular Imaging FRC, Hamamatsu Univ.Med., Hamamatsu, Japan
2: Photon MRC, Hamamatsu Univ. Med.
3: Psychiatry, Kanazawa Univ.
4: Hamamatsu Photonics KK
August 26, 2011 Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, PP.102-110
Pub.Date:2011-08-26, DOI: 10.4236/jbbs.2011.13014 ISSN Print: 2160-5866 ISSN Online: 2160-5874
  Gender Differences in Frontal Activation While Perceiving Pathologically Thin Female Body Forms
Toru Uehara1, Yoko Ishige2, Masashi Suda2, Perminder Sachdev3.4
1: General Health Support Center, Gunma University, Maebashi, Japan
2: Department of Neuropsychiatry, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Maebashi, Japan
3: School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
4: Neuropsychiatric Institute, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia
July 23, 2011 The 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society (JOFBIS)
  1-4 Measurement of mental fatigue by NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy)
Ayaka Nemoto1, Kenichi Kashikura2, Yoshihiko Arai2, Eri Hatori3, Yuta Nakazawa4, Hideto Noheji5
1: Takeda General Hospital 2: Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences 3: Central Gunma Neurosurgical Hospital
4: Haramachi Red Cross Hospital 5: Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center
July 23, 2011 The 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society (JOFBIS)
  1-7 Examination of cerebral region for the work efficiency in BGM listening
Yoshihiko Arai1, Kenichi Kashikura1, Ayaka Nemoto2, Eri Hatori3, Yuta Nakazawa4, Hideto Noheji5
1: Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences 2: Takeda General Hospital 3: Central Gunma Neurosurgical Hospital
4: Haramachi Red Cross Hospital 5: Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center
July 23, 2011 The 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society (JOFBIS)
  2-2 Measurement of the intellectual functions of frontal lobe by NIRS (Near-Infrared Spectroscopy)
Eri Hatori1, Kenichi Kashikura2, Yoshihiko Arai2, Ayaka Nemoto3, Yuta Nakazawa4, Hideto Noheji5
1: Central Gunma Neurosurgical Hospital 2: Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences 3: Takeda General Hospital
4: Haramachi Red Cross Hospital, and 5: Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center
July 23, 2011 The 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society (JOFBIS)
  2-3 Search for the neural base of reading comprehension using working memory task
Akira Yasumura, Takeshi Matsuda, Kazuo Hiraki
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
July 23, 2011 The 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society (JOFBIS)
  2-4 Characteristics of the prefrontal cortex activity of aged person on visual working memory task
Akemi Ohoshi1,4, Mitsutu Kikuchi2, Syunsuke Yagi1,4, Etsuji Yoshikawa3, Yasuhiro Magata4, Yasuomi Ouchi1
1: Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Medical Photonics Research Center Optical Biomedical Research Biomedical Functional Imaging Research
2: Research Center for Child Mental Dvelopment, Kanazawa University
3: Hamamatsu Photonics Co. Central Research & Development
4: Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Medical Photonics Research Center Applied Optical Medicine Molecular Pathogenesis Imaging Research
July 23, 2011 The 14th Annual Meeting of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society (JOFBIS)
  Free Paper Session 6: Approaches to measure an oxygen saturation of apparent brain hemoglobin by the multi-channel NIRS (Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy)
Fumio Kawaguchi1 ,Munetaka Haida2 ,Mitsuo Ohashi1
1: Spectratech Inc. 2: Tokai University's Junior College of Medical Technology
Jun 11, 2011 14th International Congress of ESCAP
European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  Dissociative tendency, anger expression and frontal activation during verbal fluency task
Uehara, T; Ishige,Y; Suda,M
General Health Support Center, Gunma University
11-15 June 2011, Helsinki, Finland
May 22, 2011 Practice 33rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry
  Gender difference in frontal lobe activation in recognizing the body image of pathologically thin woman
Toru Uehara, Yoko Ishige, Masashi Suda, and Perminder Sachdev
Gunma University General Health Support Center Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Medical Research
May 26, 2011 The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology
  P-212 Research for response characteristics of cerebral blood flow in a working memory task in developmental dyslexia children
Takaaki Goto1, Yosuke Kita1, 2, 3, Toshihide Koike4, Masumi Inagaki1
1: Department Of Developmental Disorders National Institute Of Mental Health National Center Of Neurology And Psychiatry
2: Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University
3: Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
4: Department of Special Needs Education, Tokyo Gakugei University
May 21, 2011 The 29th Seminar of Japanese Society for Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology
  P2-C 78 Dynamic state of cerebral blood flow related to phonological processing in children developed typically
Takaaki Goto1, Yosuke Kita1, 2, 3, Toshihide Koike4, Masumi Inagaki1
1: Hypophrenia Research Dept., National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
2: Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University
3: Research Fellowship for Young Scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
4: Department of Special Needs Education, Tokyo Gakugei University
May 21, 2011 The 29th Seminar of Japanese Society for Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology
  P2-C 95 Development of motor control in Go/Nogo task performance from the perspective of cerebral blood flow
Tsutomu Mizutani1, Hisanori, Ozaki2, Haruo Shinoda1, Hiroaki Shoji2
1: School of Research in Psychology, Rissho University
2: College of Education, Ibaraki University
December 7, 2010 APIEMS2010
  Development of Brain-Computer Interface with NIRS
~Possibility of Auxiliomotor Assistance Using Information from Prefrontal Cortex~
Shinya Takano1, Tadanobu Misawa1,Tetsuya Shimokawa2,Shigeki Hirobayashi1
1:Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama
2:The School of Management, Tokyo University of Science
December 2, 2010 Research by R & D Team sponsored by The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
  Research of brain disease state of eating disorder: Can the result by multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy be introduced into the motivation?
Mr. Toru Uehara, Ms. Yoko Ishige, Mr. Masafumi Suda, and Mr. Masato Fukuda
General Health Support Center, Gunma University
November 26, 2010 The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (Japanese only)
  O2-4 Approaches to simultaneous measurement of frontal area and lower-limb muscle using multi-channel NIRS
Pilot study on hypoxic exercise
Mr. Daisaku Kurita1, Mr. Tamotsu Terao2, Shunya Takizawa3, Mr. Munetaka Haida4, and Shigeharu Takagi3
1:Information Education Center of Tokai University
2:Institute of Sports Medicine of Tokai University
3:Tokai University, School of Medicine, Science-Nerve Internal Medicine
4:Tokai University’s Junior College of Medical Technology, Nosotrophy Department
November 21, 2010 Brain and Development   doi:10.1016/j.braindev.2010.11.007
  Self-face recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders:A near-infrared spectroscopy study
Yosuke Kita a,b,c, Atsuko Gunji c, Yuki Inoue c, Takaaki Goto c, Kotoe Sakihara c,
Makiko Kaga c, Masumi Inagaki c, Toru Hosokawa a
a: Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
b: Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan
c: Department of Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan
November 13, 2010 The 64th Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology
  Detection of eye discomfort by activation measurement of frontal lobe in eyestrain onset
Masashi Ono1 Syuichiro Nagaosa2 Tomoko Samejima1 Hiroshi Takahashi1
1: Nippon Medical School 2: Tokyo Metropolitan Rehabilitation Hospital, Dentistry of Medical Examination Section
November 1, 2010 Satellite Symposium of Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology/The 21st Childhood Brain Research Conference (Japanese only)
  Blood flow change in prefrontal area of brain during phonological processing: Examination of children developed typically that uses optical enecephalography
Mr. Takaaki Goto1, Mr. Yosuke Kita1, 2, 3, Toshihide Koike4, and Masumi Inagaki1
1: National Center of Neurology and Phychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health Intellectual Disturbance research Department
2: Graduate School of Education at Tohoku University
3: Research Fellowship for Young Scientist, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
4: Tokyo Gakugei University, Special Support Science Course
October 29, 2010 ICCN2010
  P8-11 Developmental change of prefrontal activity in Go/Nogo task revealed by near-infrared spectroscopy
Tsutomu Mizutani1, Hisaki Ozaki2, and Toshihide Koike3
1:The Graduate School of Psychology, Rissho University, Tokyo, Japan
2:Ibaraki University, Graduate College of Education
3:Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan Comprehensive Education Science
October 29, 2010 ICCN2010
  P27-13 A hemodynamic study of self-face recognition in autism spectrum disorder (ASD): Relation with ASD severities and self-consciousness
Kita, Y1,2,3, Gunji, A3, Inoue, Y3, Goto, T3, Sakihara, K3, Inagaki, M3, Kaga, M3, and Hosokawa, T1
1:Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
2:Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
3:National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry (NCNP)
June 19, 2010 The 12th Seminar of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society (Japanese only)
  PA-05 Brain activation experiment of high-functioning autistic child
Mr. Mikihiro Nemoto, Nemoto Science Co., Ltd.
June 19, 2010 The 12th Seminar of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society (Japanese only)
  PA-04 Brain activation experiment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder person
Mr. Mikihiro Nemoto, Nemoto Science Co., Ltd.
June 11, 2010 National Convention of The Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (Japanese only)
  Influence that spatial environment exercises biological information
Ms. Yuna Onishi, Mr. Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, and Mr. Hisatake Yokouchi, School of Life Medical Science at Doshisha University
May 15, 2010 The 28th Seminar of Japanese Society for Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology (Japanese only)
  Symposium: Search for sociality acknowledgment from physiology and psychology researches of facial recognition.
Mr. Yosuke Kita (Graduate School of Education at Tohoku University/ National Center of Neurology and Phychiatry)
May 15, 2010 The 28th Seminar of Japanese Society for Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology (Japanese only)
  Poster presentation #44: Action of rock-paper-scissors game seen from blood flow in brain
Mr. Hitoshi Yoshitake1, Mr. Hisaki Ozaki2, and Mr. Katsuji Hiroaki2
1: Ibaraki University, Graduate College of Education 2: Ibaraki University, Department of Education
May 15, 2010 The 28th Seminar of Japanese Society for Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology (Japanese only)
  Poster presentation #20: Development change in activation of prefrontal area when implementing Go-Nogo task
Mr. Tsutomu Mizutani1, Mr. Hisaki Ozaki2, and Mr. Toshihide Koike3
1: Rissyo University, School of Psychology Research 2: Ibaraki University, Department of Education
3: Tokyo Gakugei University, Department of Education
December 5, 2009 The 12th Conference of Japan Optical Brain Function Imaging (Japanese only)
  O-5 Influence on brain function and muscle metabolism that hypoxic environment gives
Mr. Daisaku Kurita1, Mr. Tamotsu Terao2, Mr. Yuto Saito3, Mr. Yasuhisa Miyao3, Mr. Toshiya Takizawa4, and Mr. Munetaka Haida5
1: Tokai University, Information Education Center
2: Tokai University, Research Institute of Medical Science
3: Tokai University, Swimming Club (Department of Physical Education)
4: Tokai University, College of Medicine (Department of Nerve Internal Medicine)
5: Tokai University, Department of Nosotrophy at Junior College of Medical Technology
December 1, 2009
  Research of brain disease condition on eating disorder (Japanese only)
Examination of frontal lobe function characteristic related to diet behavior by multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy
Mr. Toru Uehara (Gunma University), Mr. Masafumi Suda, Ms. Yoko Ishige, and Mr. Masato Fukuda
Neuropsychiatric disorder research consigned by The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2009 fiscal year (Japanese only) “Overall researches about epidemiology, clinical condition and diagnosis, medical treatment, and outcome and prognosis of eating disorder”
Mr. Nobuo Kiriike, Senior Researcher
September 30, 2009 kyoto 18th ISBET
  SY201 NIRS instrument basic and a new multiple NIRS system with the CDMA technique.
Mr. Hideo Eda, The Graduate School for Creation of New Photonics Industries
July 14, 2007 The 7th Seminar of Japan Optical Functional Brain Imaging Society (Japanese only)
  Application potentiality of spread spectrum modulation for biometric measurement
Mitsuo Ohashi, President of Spectratech, Inc.



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